Monday, August 24, 2020

Leverage Social Media Business †Free Samples to Students

Question: Talk about the Leverage Social Media Business. Answer: Presentation: Facebook is the association that is very notable and well known among all the clients of the considerable number of ages. The organization has begun its activity in 2004 by the man called Marks Zukerberg. It is an informal communication site that gives different scopes of administrations to the clients so as to make associations with one another. At present in excess of 2 billion individuals are on Facebook and Facebook has purchased the numerous different well known destinations and application s, for example, whatsapp and instagram and so forth it is headquartered at California (Zaleski, 2017). It likewise acts the showcasing stage or the different organizations however this additionally needs to cause itself with the goal that increasingly more business to can utilize Facebook as the instrument for advertising their items and administrations. For distinguishing the advertising systems of the organization, different techniques have been utilized. All the techniques are optional research techniques as the report centers around the previously existing showcasing procedures of the organization (Armstrong, Kotler, Harker and Brennan, 2015). A portion of the techniques used to lead the examination are: Online sites: the site of the organization and numerous other real online sources and articled has been perused so as to inquire about the subject. Review: overview has been led among the individuals in whom the inquiry has been posed to that from where they became more acquainted with about Facebook. Meetings of promoting group of the organization: advertising and deals group of the organization has uncovered a portion of the systems. Showcasing techniques of Facebook: Facebook has two sorts of crowds. It has been broke down that the primary arrangement of crowd incorporates everybody promotion the second arrangement of crowd incorporates the specialists who publicize their items and administration of Facebook (Treadaway and Smith, 2012). It has been dissected that different techniques has been utilized by Facebook so as to expand its clients base. Some of them are examined beneath: Viral promoting: Viral showcasing is the most conventional and the least demanding method of advertising. It is the promoting method that manages verbal. This is the advertising methodology that encourages the organization to build the clients mindfulness in the two kinds of crowds yet chiefly it contributes in pulling in the crowds of first sort (Facebook Inc.., 2017). Facebook has the idea of making companions. At the point when any on the people make their record on Facebook, he will aske his companions or family to make account on it. This at last outcomes in huge client base of the organization naturally. It has been dissected that this technique has been utilized by the organization effectively and furthermore came about decidedly of the organization (Vejacka, 2012). It isn't the apparatus that has been purposefully utilized by the organization yet the idea of the informal communication site is with the end goal that it powers the crowd to request that others make their record of the equivalent. The greater part of the organizations nowadays are additionally among their pages on this gateway with the goal that individuals can have a superior information about the independent ventures particularly (Holzner, 2008). Verbal exchange is likewise a procedure with huge and quick reach. This is on the grounds that the clients advise their loved ones to utilize the Facebook benefits individually and along these lines is the least expensive method of promoting session the brand. Direct promoting: It is likewise one of the advertising procedures that the organization utilized as far as improving its business. It is the strategy for the business client who has their pages on the Facebook site. As the organization works in the business that serves the market with the stage to make their advertisement crusades so there are numerous imaginative thoughts that the organization comes up once in a while for promoting for the organizations (Shih, 2010). Along these lines Facebook post those thoughts or give greeting to those entrepreneurs hold up have their pages on Facebook to utilize new and inventive apparatuses of promoting at Facebook. This suggests the business client to utilize such instruments with the goal that they can upgrade their business and promoting strategies. It has been examined that Facebook attempts to catch the market by posting their administrations on their entrance as it were. This is on the grounds that the clients Facebook as of now have the ir pages on Facebook. It additionally utilizes the instruments to sort the information of the business experts and attempt to grandstand their administrations to them just (Ryan, 2016). Direct showcasing permit the organization to legitimately contact their clients with no obstruction of the arbiters and in this way the compass of the organization is increasingly viable all things considered. Promotion battles and sponsorships: it has been investigated that the organization as engaged upon advertisement crusade also so as to showcase the items and administrations. The organization has demonstrated such an extensive amount enthusiasm for UK February battle by spending a great deal in it. This is on the grounds that the organization needs to situate itself as the site for companions. It has consistently focussed in creating and keeping up connection with loved ones. Decision of outsider to publicize the items or administrations is the exceptionally advantageous method for the organization. This is on the grounds that it causes the organization to assemble trust among the clients and furthermore helps in brand picture advancement of the organization (Facebook - Home., 2017). The organization has spent around 6m for publicizing in the time of 2015 and this sum has expanded a seemingly endless amount of time after year. It has been dissected that the organization has followed the way of Google and apple by utilizing the customary sponsorship technique so as to showcase its items. This is on the grounds that, it has been examined that sponsorship gives the organization to reach through the bigger crowd and broad communications method causes the organization to upgrade its promoting range (Carrillat, dAstous, and Morissette Grgoire, 2014). All the above showcasing procedures are utilized by the organization so as to promote their items and administration contributions to the individuals who are now on Facebook. End: It has been finished up from the report that Facebook is the firm that is effectively working in the long range informal communication industry since 2004. It has been dissected that the organization likewise utilizes a portion of the promoting procedures, for example, informal exchange or viral advertising, direct showcasing and sponsorships and as crusades so as to grow quicker than the contenders. As the organization serves the stage to the clients for showcasing their items hence it must be exceptionally proactive in promoting the new instruments that has been made by the organization once in a while. As the organization is growing new administrations step by step in this way it is required by the organization to showcase the items also with various methods. Suggestions: It has been recognized that the organization is as of now utilizing a portion of the apparatuses for, showcasing and Facebook is such a major organization, that it doesn't have to advance its image. It is only that the items or the administrations should be advanced in the market. For this, Facebook can client more methodologies, for example, print media procedures in order to arrive at the business clients. This strategy of presenting advertisements in business magazines can encourages the organization to advance itself as the showcasing stage and not simply the long range interpersonal communication and visiting site. Referencing: Carrillat, F., dAstous, A. what's more, Morissette Grgoire, E., 2014. Utilizing internet based life to improve enlistment viability: a Facebook experiment.Internet Research,24(4), pp.474-495. Armstrong, G., Kotler, P., Harker, M. what's more, Brennan, R., 2015.Marketing: a presentation. Pearson Education. Facebook - Home., Recovered 5 October 2017, from Facebook Inc.., Recovered 5 October 2017, from Holzner, S., 2008.Facebook showcasing: influence internet based life to develop your business. Pearson Education. Ryan, D., 2016.Understanding computerized advertising: showcasing techniques for drawing in the advanced age. Kogan Page Publishers. Shih, C., 2010.The Facebook period: Tapping on the web interpersonal organizations to market, sell, and improve. Pearson Education. Treadaway, C. what's more, Smith, M., 2012.Facebook showcasing: An hour daily. John Wiley Sons. Vejacka, M., 2012. Facebook promoting and its proficiency on the slovak market.E+ M Ekonomie a Management, (1), p.116. Zaleski, A. , 2017.The 'disputable' passage Facebook is taking care of you.CNBC. Recovered 5 October 2017, from behind-its-disputable advertisement strategy.html

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Consumer Traits and Behavior Paper

The act of making a buy or the impact of buying propensities comprises of a few concealed procedures. The greater part of these procedures comprise of shopper attributes, social, mental, choice, and conduct forms, which are needing research. Sorted out investigation has accumulated a few hypotheses and reasons concerning how, and why customer qualities and conduct have impact concerning the buying procedure. The shopper analyst recommend that each buy made by customers are in various manners impacted by segments, for example, social impacts, mental, and social procedures, inner, and outside elements. Customers of today are showing a craving for new items and administrations. On account of these wants, entryways of chance are opened for shoppers, advertising suppliers, and organizations to favor or dislike new ideas. Associations should lead across the country investigate concerning the consumer’s conduct, and their dynamic procedures. The exploration will bolster an assortment of jobs and thoughts for item improvement. A fruitful advertiser comprehends the various causes, inspiration, and impacts of purchaser buying. A mental procedure happens in the psyches of people, and as a rule influences the individuals’ conduct. Concerning this subject, mental procedure decides the consumer’s conduct. The colleague will talk about three mental procedures, and three social procedures. The colleague will start with mental procedures. Inspiration: The interior power that urges the customer to take certain activities, Memory: Consumers utilize this procedure to store, secure, hold, and recover data here and there later. Recognition: by observation, purchasers decipher, and compose impressions that influence the person in question, and essential to their lives. A social procedure happens in an individuals’ life or environmental factors. An individuals’ public activity may influence their examples of conduct and collaborations. Social impact forms include: Family and job impacts: How people are raised and family jobs regularly decide how the person reacts to nature. Supposition pioneers: Individuals are generally influenced by the individuals who affected their life. Culture: Individuals may gain comparative or various interests, or likes. The significance of understanding purchaser inspiration will assist organizations with developing showcasing systems that work. Organizations can speak with their client in manners that feature their most important characteristics. An effective business depends upon its ability to draw and keep clients, anxious to purchase products and ventures at costs that will benefit the business. Shopper observation clarifies how purchasers and likely buyers see different organizations, and their products and administration. Shopper discernment gets huge for a business since it can impact the customer’s conduct, which in the end influences the organizations benefits. An assortment of organizations spend immense amounts of money to convince client mindfulness. Buyer discernment can most occasions decide achievement or disappointment for a business. A case of this comprises of a person who own their café, and the eatery has gained notoriety for serving great food. The general recognition would show that everybody ought to eat at this specific eatery since it serves the best nourishments around. This recognition could support income for the café, however then again if buyers had a negative observation about the eatery, it could ruin benefits. Buyer memory permits customers to recall and recognize data for sometime later. Along these lines, memory assumes a significant job concerning the dynamic procedure of shoppers, by moving their mindfulness and recognition of advertising data. Customers utilized data put away in their memory purposely and accidentally when deciding. These choices go from what brand and kind of pop to drink or what production, and sort of vehicle to buy. By understanding these significant procedures advertisers can all the more likely get ready to showcase new item and administrations to purchasers.

Friday, July 24, 2020

Real Oxbridge Interview Questions Answered Engineering

Real Oxbridge Interview Questions Answered Engineering The OE Blog Engineering is another one of those tricky interview subjects where candidates can be especially nervous, as many fear they do not have enough technical knowledge of the subject to succeed. But fear not â€" admissions tutors are fully aware that your A-level teaching will not have covered the subject comprehensively â€" they are looking for how you might respond to teaching in future and how you use your brain and logic to respond to engineering problems as they are presented to you. This week’s genuine Oxbridge interview question comes from Byron Byrne, of the Department of Engineering Science at Oxford University. “How would you design a gravity dam for holding back water?” One Step at a Time The most dangerous pitfall with this question is to try to answer it outright rather than approaching it gradually, one step at a time. Byrne explains that the most successful candidates will first try to determine the forces acting on the dam in order to consider the “stability of the wall under the action of those forces”. So remember, it is often important to turn the question on its head â€" the answer can’t be given until you have worked out the conditions under which it will operate. Always consider the forces acting on a structure first before proposing potential structural decisions. Embrace Failure! It sounds strange, but candidates are often so nervous and so keen to impress at interview that when asked a design question like this one they jump straight to solutions and ideas, when what the interviewer is actually looking for is an awareness or an ability to hypothesise areas in which the project might fail. In this case it is important to acknowledge that the force of the water might be too great, causing the dam to fall, or that other problems like sliding, structural faults, or water seeping beneath the dam may occur. The best engineers will approach a design problem by considering every aspect of the potential outcome, with possible failure and potential problems an integral part of the planning process. Only once you have considered all the ways in which you might fail may you offer a solution that is capable of addressing these issues. Be Enthusiastic Byrne acknowledges that much of the expertise necessary to answer this question will not have been taught at A-level, but says that seeing whether a candidate shows real enjoyment and enthusiasm for this kind of engineering puzzle is just as important in determining interview success. So remember, the way you approach the question, how well you absorb new ideas when the interviewer offers them to you and how positively you engage with the discussion are all as important as prior knowledge. Combine Forces Using maths and physics and applying them to specific design and engineering problems are major skills that the interviewer will be looking for. It doesn’t matter if you aren’t quite sure what the right mathematical expressions or physics formulae are, or exactly how to apply them to the problem â€" the main thing is to show that you are trying. It is much better to suggest a potential use of maths or physics to help solve the problem than to keep quiet because you aren’t sure what would be the right thing to do. Byrne hopes that having acknowledged the potential for the water to push the dam over, candidates would then “construct simple mathematical expressions to predict when this would occur”. Above all remember that in these subjects where you may not have a great deal of prior knowledge, the interviewer will always be ready to help and point you in the right direction. Asking for help or admitting you don’t know will not count against you, but a bad attitude, disinterest or lack of trying will.

Friday, May 22, 2020

I Am A Family Friend - 809 Words

As I indicated in my first letter, I was a practicing Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in California for over 25 years. My specialty was working with children with emotional, behavioral and learning disabilities. I worked with these children and their families in a variety of settings such as: foster care, residential, day treatment and in outreach programs. In addition, I would assess the character of families who were looking to become foster parents. I do believe my background has given me an appreciation for a good family environment which will offer stability and encourage strong values. I met Tiffany over 10 years ago when I met her parents. I’ve attended many family events over the years where Tiffany and her sisters have been present. I would consider myself a close family friend. Even though, I try not to judge, I have always been impressed with Tiffany’s maturity and strong family values. Tiffany and I would sit for hours and talk about almost everything. Tiffany is very loving and nurturing, always willing to help others. She never thinks twice about going out of her way to help someone else. She doesn’t get upset when people offer different opinions, rather she listens openly assessing the information first before she makes her own decision. Her personality is very easy going, calm and authentic. She knows what she wants and is determined to follow through to insure a positive outcome. I met Dustin soon after Tiffany starting dating him. IShow MoreRelatedI Am I About My Family And Friends1161 Words   |  5 PagesOne in a Million Hi, I’m Ross Green. When I was 7, something tremendous happened. It changed my life forever. I am lucky for what I have. Family and friends. Although I will be in a wheelchair the rest of my life, I’m lucky to still be living after what happened. Here’s the story. â€Å"Wanna come with me?† Mom asked, â€Å"I’m going to the grocery store. ¨ It was easter morning. 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Thursday, May 7, 2020

Arcadian Cash Flow and Terminal Value - 1103 Words

1. Prepare to explain the implications of case Exhibit 1 (Paige Simon’s first task). Based on that exhibit, is terminal value (TV) a material component of firm values? From the exhibit, we can find the PV of five years’ dividends is small part of the market price of the stock. In my opinion, we buy a stock then get dividend periodically, which like buy a bond. The coupon payment is dividend and the face value is terminal value. The bond value is determined by the terminal value mostly. So the stock price is also determined by terminal value. The concept of going concern can explain that Terminal value is often higher than the present value of near term cash flows, which means that a companys long-term cash-flow capacity is more†¦show more content†¦|value/EBIT: if working capital is growing, the CFO | |P/E |value/EBIT is useful for valuing capital-intensive |will be overstated which lead this method inaccurate.| |value/EBIT |businesses with high depreciation. |P/B will inappropriate for high-tech company because | |P/B |P/B: Finance institutions, P/B more fit for value |they have little tangible asset. | | |companies composed chiefly of liquid assets. | | |Discounted Cash Flow |Private equity valuation, leveraged buyout issue, |when FCF is negative | | |generally there are there situations 1. the firm does|When the capital structure is volatile | | |not pay dividends. 2. the firm pays dividends, but | | | |the dividends do not reflect the company’s long-run | | | |profitability. 3. when taking a control perspective | | |Show MoreRelatedCase 42 Essay1556 Words   |  7 Pagesresearch, development only.† Arcadian Microarray Technologies was founded in 2003 by research scientists, some of whom were previously involved in a very successful project called the Human Genome Project. Those scientists helped find links between variations in a person’s genetic code and their predisposition to disease. This was a major breakthrough in the Human DNA research area. Their business consisted of two segments DNA microarrays and Human Therapeutics. Arcadians’ management group believedRead MoreCase Study: Arcadian Microarray Technologies, Inc.1305 Words   |  6 PagesFINANCIAL MANAGEMENT CASE STUDY: ARCADIAN MICROARRAY TECHNOLOGIES, INC. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY As an investment manager from Sierra Capital Partners, Rodney Chu is interested in purchasing a 60% equity interest of Arcadian Microarray Technologies, Inc., a biotechnology firm. The bid is currently at $40 million. The Arcadian’s managers have optimistic projections for their firms’ performance over the next 11 years. However, based on Sierra’s calculations, come up a much more conservativeRead MoreArcadian Micro Essay695 Words   |  3 PagesIn 2005, Arcadian Microarray technologies, Inc. were in talks with Sierra Capital Partners to sell a 60% equity interest for $40 million to fund the growth of the company. Sierra Capital is a private equity investment company with $2 billion under management and a portfolio of 64 venture capital investments and leverage buyouts focusing strictly on the life sciences sector. Arcadian Microarray is a biotechnology firm founded in 2003 and located in Arcadia, California. The business was made up ofRead MoreCASE44 GROUP3 Essay957 Words   |  4 Pages Suggested Questions for Arcadian Microarray Prepare to explain the implications of case Exhibit 1 (Paige Simon’s first task). Based on that exhibit, is terminal value a material component of firm values? Drawing on case Exhibit 4 and your own general knowledge, where would the various estimators be appropriate? Where would they be inappropriate? (Simon’s second task) Regarding the cash flow forecasts in case Exhibit 5, at what point in the future would you set the forecast horizon for the threeRead MoreCASE44 GROUP3 Essay examples938 Words   |  4 Pagesï » ¿Suggested Questions for Arcadian Microarray 1. Prepare to explain the implications of case Exhibit 1 (Paige Simon’s first task). Based on that exhibit, is terminal value a material component of firm values? 2. Drawing on case Exhibit 4 and your own general knowledge, where would the various estimators be appropriate? Where would they be inappropriate? (Simon’s second task) 3. Regarding the cash flow forecasts in case Exhibit 5, at what point in the future would you set the forecast horizon for theRead MoreArcadian Microarray7189 Words   |  29 PagesSee discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Arcadian Microarray Technologies, Inc. ARTICLE  · OCTOBER 2008 READS 516 2 AUTHORS, INCLUDING: Robert F. Bruner University of Virginia 287 PUBLICATIONS 1,490 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Available from: Robert F. Bruner Retrieved on: 25 January 2016 Username: TO ACCESS THIS DOCUMENT This is a protected document. The first two pages are available for everyone

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Property Taxes Free Essays

Property taxes – local taxes, immovable property/land tax, motor vehicle tax . (Lukas Szita) A property tax also known as millage tax is a charge on possessions that the holder is obligatory to pay. The tax is imposed by the governing authority of the area in which the property is placed; it can be a national government of country, a federated state, a county/region, or a municipality (In Slovak Republic property tax is the most important income for municipalities). We will write a custom essay sample on Property Taxes or any similar topic only for you Order Now We basically distinguish four general kinds of property: land, improvements to land (which are immobile man-made objects, such as buildings), personal property (transportable man-made objects), and intangible property. Combination of land and developments are called real estate or reality. Under a property tax system, the governing authority implements assessment of the financial value of every single property, and tax is measured in quantity to that value. Methods of property tax utilized differ significantly among different countries. Tax on property is often confused with special assessment tax. There are two basic forms of taxation which are the most popular: first (ad valorem tax) depends on the fair market value of the property. The second one other also called special assessment depends on a special enhancement also named a â€Å"benefit† for its reason. The property tax rate is frequently specified as a proportion. To compute the property tax, the local government uses multiplication of the evaluated value of the property by the mill rate and then divide by 1,000. For instance, a property with weighed value of 100,000EUR situated in a municipality with a mill rate of 20 mills would have a property tax bill of 2,000EUR per year. Property tax in Netherlands is imposed on homes on a municipal origin in two fragments: for the individual who lives in the household, and for the landlord of the house. Individuals who rent house are accountable only for the living part of the tax. Australia’s property taxes are known as property or parcel rates. Parcel rates and regularity of payment are set by local municipialities or councils. Each council has employees who value the land’s price. The land value is value of the just land; they do not include existing non-moveable buildings on property. The measured worth of the land is base for the total charges of rates. Those charges differs from $100 per quarter to 1$, and frequencies of payments are differs according locality. Water rates are also common charges for property owners in Australia. Australia furthermore has stamp duty, used at the time when a property is sold. Fee is paid by the purchaser to the Office of State Revenue. Moreover to mentioned stamp duty there is also a Land Transfer Charge under the NSW State Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2010. Stamp duty rates are from 1% to 6. 75% based on the value of property and the state of Australia. Denmark has much simple system for taxing property. There it is 1% fee for property appreciated at less than DKK 3 million and 3% rate for above DKK 3 million. In Greece, property tax is set upon floor-area and bills for electricity. How to cite Property Taxes, Essay examples

Monday, April 27, 2020

The Art Of Yoga And Meditation Essay Example For Students

The Art Of Yoga And Meditation Essay To be one with oneself is said to be a great gift, possibly the greatest gift. This is the idea behind the Yogic lifestyle and ways. Many probably wonder what a yogic lifestyle is, I myself had to search not only in books, teachers, but also within myself. One thing I learned about Yoga is that everything is modified to fit your beliefs and strengths. But if you are anything like myself you want hard core, written stone beliefs. So thats where the 8 Limbs of Yoga enter. The 8 Limbs of Yoga consist of eight different stages that one must go through in order to reach enlightenment and self-realization. We will write a custom essay on The Art Of Yoga And Meditation specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Yoga itself means union of the parts of ourselves, which were never divided in the first place. In Yoga, the intention is to yoke, which means to join; it is the same as the absorption in the state of Samadhi. The first step or stage in the 8 Limbs of Yoga is Yamas. Yamas is moral observance of non-violence, truthfulness, non-stealing, celibacy and non-covetousness. Love, joy, and peace are deep states of Being, or rather three aspects of the state of inner connectedness with Being (Tolle 29). In this stage is where you see Meditation. Meditation describes a state of concentrated attention on some object of thought or awareness. It usually involves turning the attention to the mind itself. In this stage one must observe yourself, and watch your worries and thoughts go away. For example, this particular stage is in reference to the Savasana that is taken at the beginning and end of every physical practice. This is the point of where you can do a body scan and determine where you are holding tension and what you need to let go. The second step or stage is Niyama. Niyama in a sense is your inner integrity. In this stage you find purity, contentment and knowledge in oneself. This is once again accomplished through mediation. The third step or stage is the most common, and the most recognized yoga practice, Asanas. Asanas translated means seat. The word is used to describe the yoga postures, but also refers to the position of the spirit in relation to divinity. The physical practices consist of several different sequences that challenge the body was well as the mind. Many learn and follow these sequences through classes, videos, and the most common is through the Yoga Sutras. The Yoga Sutra is book depicting the sequences and positions in detail. Yoga Sutra itself refers to the joining of several threads into one. Yoga is the control of the modifications of the mind (Sutra 2). The idea behind the Yoga Sutras is to witness your inner state, so as to experientially go beyond all of them to the center of consciousness. The sequences are used to challenge your physical capabilities, your mental stability, and your oneness. By oneness it is meant when you reach a state in where you are completely in the now and are not worrying about the past or the future. The fourth step or stage to the 8 Limbs of Yoga is Pranayama. Pranayama refers to breath control. It means control of the life force (prana). It is commonly used to describe the various yogic breathing exercises that help give one control of the life force. The word enlightenment conjures up the idea of some super-human accomplishment, ad the ego likes to keep it that way, but it is simply your natural states of felt oneness with Being (Tolle 12). What The Power of Now is trying to say is that oneness is the path to enlightenment; one way of reaching oneness is through your breathing. When one focuses on his/or her breathing it makes all thoughts of the monkey mind drift away and allows one to have a truly clear mind to focus on you. .u3b2dfad03401b0ee62130f422f796b86 , .u3b2dfad03401b0ee62130f422f796b86 .postImageUrl , .u3b2dfad03401b0ee62130f422f796b86 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u3b2dfad03401b0ee62130f422f796b86 , .u3b2dfad03401b0ee62130f422f796b86:hover , .u3b2dfad03401b0ee62130f422f796b86:visited , .u3b2dfad03401b0ee62130f422f796b86:active { border:0!important; } .u3b2dfad03401b0ee62130f422f796b86 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u3b2dfad03401b0ee62130f422f796b86 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u3b2dfad03401b0ee62130f422f796b86:active , .u3b2dfad03401b0ee62130f422f796b86:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u3b2dfad03401b0ee62130f422f796b86 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u3b2dfad03401b0ee62130f422f796b86 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u3b2dfad03401b0ee62130f422f796b86 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u3b2dfad03401b0ee62130f422f796b86 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u3b2dfad03401b0ee62130f422f796b86:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u3b2dfad03401b0ee62130f422f796b86 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u3b2dfad03401b0ee62130f422f796b86 .u3b2dfad03401b0ee62130f422f796b86-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u3b2dfad03401b0ee62130f422f796b86:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: the wave EssayThe fifth step or stage is Pratyahara. In the 8 Limbs of Yoga, Pratyahama is referring to preparing your mind for the practice by withdrawal of your senses. This moment is as it should be because the universe is as it is. Every problem is an opportunity in disguise (Chopra). At this stage, the consciousness of the individual is internalized in order that the sensations from the senses of taste, touch, sight, hearing and smell dont reach their respective centers in the brain. With this, the Sadhaka, which is discipline, is free to meditate without distractions. At the advanced levels, the practitioners turn off the electrical currents, which flow through the nerves and even the involuntary muscles. This is accomplished through breath-control. The sixth stage or step in the yogic path of The 8 Limbs of Yoga is Dharana. Dharana can be translated as holding steady. It is the initial step of deep meditation, where the object being meditated upon is held in the mind without consciousness wavering from it. That is, the meditator is conscious that he/she is meditating (that is, is conscious of the act of meditation) on an object, and of his or her own self, which is concentrating on the object. In the subsequent stage, as the meditator becomes more advanced, consciousness of the act of meditation disappears, and only the consciousness of being/existing and the object of concentration exist. In the final stage of Samadhi, the self also dissolves, and the meditator becomes one with the object. Generally, the object of concentration is God, or the Self, which is seen as God itself. The seventh stage or step of the yogic path is Dhyana. Dhyana refers to meditation, or an uninterrupted flow of attention of the psychic energy to an object. For example, an exercise that was practiced in class was concentration on the flame. It requires that one concentrate on the flame of a candle till you can close your eyes and see the flame inside yourself. The concentration allows one to reach a state of mind where all worries fade, and ones Atman reaches calmness. Atman refers to ones soul. The eighth and final stage is Samadhi. Samadhi is a term that describes a non-dualistic state of consciousness, an illusion, in which the consciousness of the experiencing subject becomes one with the experienced object, and in which the mind becomes still (one-pointed or concentrated) though the person remains conscious. This state of mind of which is an illusion is referred to Maya; Maya is the phenomenal world of separate objects and people, which creates for some the illusion that it is the only reality. The goal of enlightenment is to understand this more precisely, to experience this, to see intuitively that the distinction between the self and the universe is a false truths. The distinction between consciousness and physical matter, between mind and body, is the result of an unenlightened perspective. The last stage of The 8 Limbs of Yoga is the final step for one to finally reach enlightenment. In the end it could take long periods of time to reach the final stage of the yogic path. Brahman is the unchanging, infinite, immanent, and transcendent reality which is the Divine Ground of all matter, energy, time, space, being, and everything beyond in this universe. The 8 Limbs of Yoga is ones path to wholeness where our Brahman is fulfilled. We need to enjoy and take responsibility on what is happening now, not on what happened, whats going to happen or what if. These worries only occupy your mind, and do not allow you to enjoy what is going on (Tolle).