Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Ellen Olenska as a Mythological Muse in The Age of Innocence

Ellen Olenska as a Mythological Muse in The Age of Innocence nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Long ago in ancient Greece, mythology was used to explain our world, our lives, and most importantly, our interpersonal relationships. Still today Greek mythology is infused into the literature of almost every influential and lasting author, one of the more effective authors being Edith Wharton, author of The Age of Innocence. The relationship between Newland Archer and Madame Ellen Olenska, two protagonists in Wharton’s novel, is an example of the classic relationship between a muse and an inspired man. Wharton was obviously well learned in the art of mythology as seen in her stories, The Lamp of Psyche and The Muse’s Tragedy, and used this†¦show more content†¦Tracy Marks explains that muses from Greek mythology are typically represented as young women with red lips, blue eyes, and a melodious voice, who usually wore long flowing robes and a reflective or smiling expression. Already Wharton’s vivid picture painted with words co mes to mind, but Marks continues on to describe a Muse as â€Å"far from virgin goddesses, rather one who induces sensuality† (Marks 36). Archer parallels this perception as he views Ellen as one â€Å"who does not seal the mind against imagination, nor the heart against experience† (Nevius 186) and who â€Å"entreats a little wildness, a dark place or two in the soul† (Mansfield 316). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Whether it was Ellen’s disposition or her aura, which first enticed Archer, it was her affect on him which led her to become a legend in the mind of both this fictional character, Newland Archer, and the audience of this novel. What sparks the interest of a muse is the possibility of greatness, an ability to live in a world larger than what now exists, and who will use the knowledge and inspiration she gives (Marks 34), Newland was a perfect example of this. Ellen describes the reason for confiding in Archer more perfectly here: â€Å"The very good people didn’t convince me; I felt they’d never been tempted. But you knew; you understood; you had felt the world tugging at one with all its golden hands – and yet you hated the things it asked of one; you hated happiness brought by disloyalty and cruelty and

Monday, December 23, 2019

The Negligence Of The Villain - 1374 Words

Just as it is mandatory to have a hero, a fairy tale without a villain will create an ineffective plot. The negligence of the villain’s role/importance demonstrates our society’s ethics. The judgemental views of society, creates an impression that good will always emerge as the victors. This is caused by the fact that individuals within society has a different criteria of deciding what is â€Å"good† and what is â€Å"evil†. As a result their minds are structured through pure bias. The so called â€Å"heroes† or â€Å"villains† are all just dependent on an individual’s ideal self. The influence of the real world, through history or the present, help individuals create a dividing line between the principles of good vs evil. This is evident through the misinterpretation of villains. Individuals only see villains as vile individuals endeavoring towards an egocentric goal, created by their malicious personality. The treatment of this chara cter is prejudice, as their stories are completely overshadowed by the hero’s beaming stature. If there isn’t any background information for the villains, how does the audience understand the meanings behind their motives and intentions? Villains are more than just an obstacle created for the plot, they’re the necessary ingredient for a successful story. The audience has to realize that villains have many similar attributes to heroes that can benefit the outcome of the story. Villains have the potential to revolutionize the next generation of fairy tales. ByShow MoreRelated The Gothic Novel Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Essay examples1403 Words   |  6 Pagesthe idea for the story after a dream he had. The word ‘Goth’ is originally from a German tribe and has come to mean ‘barbarian’ and later know as ‘Gothic’. In Gothic Literature certain features are expected. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar Free Essays

Dr Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar A Social Reformer Introduction â€Å"OURS IS A BATTLE FOR FREEDOM, OURS IS A BATTLE NOT JUST FOR ECONOMIC GAINS AND POLITICAL POWER, OURS IS A BATTLE FOR RECLAMATION OF HUMAN PERSONALITY WHICH HAS BEEN SUPPRESED AND MUTILATED BY THE HINDU SOCIAL ORDER AND CONTINUED TO BE SUPPRESED AND MUTILATED† These lines itself indicates that the speaker of these lines is a reformer, democratic leader and great orator. There have been a number of great people in the world who have dedicated themselves to struggle of emancifipation, uplift of the powerless victims of system in their countries. Above lines are spoken by such a person who is a champion of human rights none other than Dr. We will write a custom essay sample on Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar or any similar topic only for you Order Now B. R Ambedkar. He was a multi – dimensional personality. He was a great thinker, philosopher, true revolutionist, profolic writer and at the top a devoted reformer. Antonio Gramsci, a German philosopher hailed him as an â€Å"organic intellectual† his magnifier of 1940s. An Advocate Of Reform A reformer is one who wants a non violent revolution for a change in society, same was our Babasaheb. Not only for India he fought for the world, he fought for humanity. Numerous authors, Indians as well as foreigner have described his contribution to the economic development and emancipation of Indian masses in different ways. One such author said – â€Å"Dr . B. R Ambedkar was a intellectual, a educationist, a thinker and advocate of humanism† Ambedkar as A Writer Even Ambedkar himself was a great and renowned writer. He wrote many books mostly on caste system. He wrote book â€Å"The Buddha and His Dhamma† which was published posthumously. He completed his final manuscript â€Å"The Buddha or Karl Marx† on December 2, 1956. His Donation for Future Students He was fond of reading books too. His library was one such proof that he donated to a college which is founded by him for students of Depressed Classes. Even today his books are becoming a reason behind the triumphs of students. Knowing the great value and importance of education in 1924, he founded an association called Bahiskrit Hitakarni Sabha. The main objectives of Sabha were; to promote and expand education among the depressed classes by opening hostels. These hostels proved a boon for low caste students. Voice of Downtrodden According to him for a successful revolution it is not enough that there is discontent, what is required is profound and thorough conviction of justice. He even proved this in a very systematic way. Ambedkar efforts to eradicate the social evils like untouchablility and caste restrictions were remarkable. The leader, throughout his life fought for his rights of Dalits and other socially backward classes with his sword of a peaceful agitation. One may love it or hate it but one has to accept and acknowledge the fact that Amberkarism has been a movement of assertion of downtrodden in the history of India in recent times. B. R Ambedkar has been a voice of downtrodden of our country and for their cause he has dedicated his whole life and worked. Dalits have placed Ambedkar at the top of the world and he is no more than god for them. He wrote extensively on the problems of caste, Muslims, minorities and women in India. He richly contributed towards construction of democratic independence. Ideas That Were Experience The operation of caste , his views on women’s oppression, his reinterpretation of the role of monk prove him to a social reformer that warrant a close examination of his biography and his lion’s share to set a perfect platform for world ‘s biggest democracy country . His observation, attachment to the lower classes or any kind of incidents was not the reason behind his dalit movement. The reason was his own experience as a dalit. He was born in a Mahar family which is considered as untouchable caste. He spent his whole life fighting against system of untouchablility and caste system. What He Was? Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar was born on 14 April 1891at Mhow a small town in princely state of Indore. He was the 14th child of father Ramji Sakpal and mother Bhimabai At a very tender age, he had to face humiliation and disgrace at the hands of upper caste Hindus when he started education in primary school. He was made to sit outside the classroom so that his presence did not pollute other students. Even if they needed to drink water, they (untouchables) were not allowed to touch the water or the vessel that was for high caste Hindus. This task was usually performed for the young Ambedkar by school peon and if the peon was not available then he had to go without water Ambedkar status this situation as â€Å"No Peon No Water†. But at last overcoming numerous social and financial obstacles, Ambedkar became one of first Dalits to obtain a college education in India. Ambedkar was a very disciplined, sincere and intelligent student of the school; affected by his sincerity and punctuality his teacher Mahadev Ambedkar changed his sir name from Ambavadekar to Ambedkar. That was the memorable day of all for the young Ambedkar. He knew that for every great step or we must say for accomplishment of every work Education plays the lead role. A Change Was Needed When he was at Sydenham College, Bombay in 1918. He found a Marathi newspaper â€Å"Mook Nayak† (Leader of Dump) to champion the cause of the untouchable. When he came back to India from London in 1923, he knew that nothing had change. His qualifications meant for nothing as far as the practice of untouchablility is concern – it was still an obstacle to his career. In 1927 Babasaheb presided over a conference at Mahad in Kolapa District . There he said: It is time we rooted out of our minds the ideas of high and low, we can attain elevation only if we learn self –help and regain our self respect. Because of his experience of the humiliation and justice would not be granted by others. Those who suffer injustice must secure justice for themselves. A Peaceful War The peaceful agitation led by Dr. Ambedkar suffered through many attacks of high caste Hindus but throughout his last breath, agitation worked for the rights of untouchables. At last the result was good as the Bombay Legislature had already passed a Bill allowing everyone to use public water tanks and well, but this was just a step, He want a religion that teaches liberty, equality and fraternity . He knew that Indian society especially Hindus is still a tribal society stooped in orthodoxy and superstitions, divided in thousands of casts and sub caste and it need a reform, a revolution. Caste and Morality According to Mr. Ambedkar, caste destroyed the concept of ethics and morality. The effect of cast on ethics of the Hindus is simply deplorable. Cast has destroyed the sense of public charity. A Hindu‘s public is caste. His responsibility is to his caste. His loyalty is restricted only to his caste. Virtue has became caste bound. Independence comes with Babasaheb In 1930 a Round Table Conference was held by the British Government to decide the future of India. Babasaheb represented the untouchable, He said – â€Å"The Depressed classes of India also join in demand for replacing the British government by a government of the people and by the people. Ours wrong have not been righted all through 150 years of British rule rolled away. What good is such a government to anybody? These lines show that he was very much hopeful that the independence will be from both The Britishers and the Orthodox ideas and misbelieves. In the second conference, he demanded a separate electorate for depressed classes. He strongly believes that in Hinduism conscience, reason and independent thinking have no scope for development. British government agreed but Mahatma Gandhi saw it as a division between Harijan and Hindus, Gandhi ji felt that these small divisions will be a barrier in independence of a united India. At last this debate between Mahatma Gandhi and Ambedkar ends with a pact called Poona Pact. According which certain number of seats were reserved for especially for backward and depressed classes. Framing Future Dr Ambedkar‘s legacy as a socio- political reformer, had a deep affect on modern India. His reputation as a scholar led to his appointment as free India’s Law minister and Chairman of the drafting committee of constitution. I think he was the right one who had all the qualification needed to draft constitution . Our Father of Constitution not only have the experience of lower class people(as per Hindu community) and the high classes of not only India but foreign too , he very well knows about their demands and needs. These experiences he used to make all of us stand equal and liberal. He was called as a modern Manu who gave India a new and democratic regime, paying tribute to Dr Ambedkar for his tireless efforts in the constitutions another fellow Maharastrian said â€Å"I call this constitution the Mahar law because Dr. Ambedkar is a Mahar and now†¦we shall have the law of Manu replaced by the law of Mahar and I hope that unlike the law of Manu under which there were was never a prosperity in country, the Mahar law will make India virtually paradise† Dhamma Is Eternal He is also credited for having sparkled the Dalit Buddhist movement . On October 14, 1956 Dr. Ambedkar organized a public ceremony to convert around five lakh of his supporters into Buddhism . Dr. Ambedkar travelled to Kathmandu to attend the 4th World Buddhist conference . He quote that the teachings of Buddha are eternal but even then Buddha did not proclaim them to be infallible . The religion of Buddha has capacity to change according to time, a quality which no other religion can claim to have. The Last Breath â€Å"I WILL NOT DIE AS A HINDU† He completed his vow by dying as a Buddhist. Since 1954-55 Dr. Ambedkar was suffering from serious health problems including diabetes and week eye sight. On December 6, 1956 he died at his home in Delhi. A Buddhist style cremation was organized for him. The ceremony was attended by hundreds and thousands of supporters, activists and admires. After the death The day of 14th April is best remembered for the birth anniversary of this great reformer as Ambedkar Jayanti and it is a public holiday. Various Dalit organizations carry out huge processions on this day in the memory of the great soul. On this day various organizations organize several activities including rally and cultural programs. â€Å"We Are Indians Firstly And Lastly† This well said by Babasaheb should be the disciple of all the citizens of India. As I earlier mentioned that the Ambedkar Jayanti is celebrated on 14th April every year. This year our Baba sahib completed his 122 years as a reformer. Yes! Your doubt is right 122 years how? He died 56 years ago. My answer may not be satisfying for you but it is right according to me. So, I want to say that he was alive, alive as his ideas, his contribution. We are developing but our views are same. Those rotten social rules are same. So it means that the all liberty, freedom we have, is useless for us? The hard work of this reformer is wasted, No, the way of ours to use these is not right or at first we should analyze that how we are using these. â€Å"What are we having this liberty for? We are having this liberty in order to reform our social system, which is full of inequality, corruption and other things which conflict with our fundamental rights† By- Aparajita Srivastava Kendriya vidyalaya How to cite Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Cost and Financial Management Accounting

Question: Discuss about the Cost and Financial Management Accounting. Answer: Introduction The Flexible Budget Variances reveals the variances in direct materials, direct labor and variable and manufacturing overheads. Apart from this, the price variance and efficiency variances are also worked out (Horngren, 2011) The variances in acrylic pile fabric, acrylic eyes, plastic joints and polyester fiber filling can be understood from the production process. The cutting of fabric according to the different requirements of size and shapes generates fabric waste and increases the production time. The fastness of the color of the fabric is also tested which leads to the returning of the off-color fabric. With reference to acrylic eyes, the optical grade eyes are attached to the plastic rivets in such a way that they do not fall our or give a stand out variance. Though dark brown color eyes are purchased from vendors, the shades of the eyes may differ from vendor to vendor and defective eyes have to be replaced thus leading to variances from the standard budgets? The polyester fillings are then done by the machines is the separate parts are attached together. But if these parts are not fitted properly then it has to be removed and replaced (Don et. al, 2006). Direct Labor variances arise due to the fact that the machines might sometimes require maintenance and there are possibilities of rework to be done during the production thus increasing the actual labor hours and generating variances (Don et. al, 2006). Variable selling expenses includes the advertisement and sales promotion expenses. There are retail and wholesale selling outlets and also catalogue sales . Since the retail selling outlets have proved to be unprofitable, the estimated selling expenses have also increased. Manufacturing selling and administrative expenses variances are caused as a result of a number of factors. As there are accounting problems and also problems in meeting the demand supply gap, the costs associated with the smooth production and distribution outflow is bound to increase and thus lead to variances (Vanderbeck, 2013). New Incentive Compensation Plan Advantages The New Compensation plan is intended to promote teamwork and participation and the performance is measured against the companys master budget and standard cost system that rewards managers fairly for their individual contributions. The percentage of bonus is fixed for different levels of managers which act to boost their confidence and achieve the desired results. Disadvantages The bonus for the purchasing manager is dependent upon the net materials price variance, which could also be zero if the variance is unfavorable and the same is the case with the production manager whose bonus is dependent upon the net of several variances. Role of Budget in Performance Evaluation Budgets help in the planning of the future expenses and reviewing the historical spending pattern also helps the company in making decisions about the requirements of external financing. These budgets also help in tracking the spending variances and the excessive variances also require the owners to review the standard costing and budgeting process to ensure a more accurate forecast of the financial needs (Maher, 2005). Recommendation to the Incentive Plan The Incentive Plan has focused on the Management Incentives. It is essential that the managers focus on long term wealth creation for shareholders and so Employee Stock Option Programs and Schemes offered to managers helps them think from within the shoes of a shareholder (Drury, 2011). Hence incentive plans are not just targeting the monetary wealth of the managers but also improve performance by promoting ethical behavior and serves in the best interests of the organization. Apart from this, there can also be lump sum bonuses designed for the salesperson which are periodic and released upon the completion of a specific sales quota. This is a kind of forced incentive to help the salespersons achieve sales which they might have otherwise not reached. Thus there should be an optimal mix of the various incentive plans after weighing the advantages and disadvantages of each plan. Balanced Scorecard The Balanced Scorecard is an optimal combination of the financial and non-financial factors that guide the company performance. The vision and mission of the company has to be translated and viewed from four different perspectives namely financial, customer, internal processes, growth and innovation. The core competencies and employee commitment, market share and alignment are a few other factors considered while formulating the balanced scorecard. The various factors to be considered under each of these perspectives are discussed hereunder: Financial Perspective The objective should be profit animation and increasing returns to shareholders. These numbers are measured by the results on the financial statements and the quarterly results announced by the company. The initiatives to be taken to achieve the same could be strategies for cost reduction, exploring new markets and increasing the customer base eventually leading to higher profits. Customer Perspective The objective here is to improve the market image of the company. A company is not just known by the results and the profits it delivers but also by the strength of the management in dealing with crisis situations. The ethical standards followed by the company and compliance with regulations increases its reputation and makes it branded as a good company (Quast, 2011). The targets in this area can be to ensure fair business dealings that help the company stay away from litigations and such other issues. The success of the same is measured by the increasing market share of the company and the customer feedback and rankings achieved by the company. Internal Business Perspective As this is a hard core manufacturing oriented business, efforts should be taken to reduce the abnormal waste generated during the productions and set up processes to control and help in smooth functioning (Quast, 2011). As consumer demands are ever changing, the processes should be able to cater to these requirements. The targets and initiatives to be taken in this area are to be updated with the technological advancements and employ it to the fullest to ensure that the company achieves the desired outcomes (Lanen et. al, 2008). Conclusion As there is continuous production and demand there has to be continuous updating of the systems and processes also to be in tune with the changes. Thus a company should focus on attending such meetings, conferences where such changes in the industry are discussed and then take steps for the implementation of the same to provide the best to the consumer always. References Don R. Hansen Maryanne M. M. (2006). Cost Management Accounting Control. Ohio: Thomas South-Western Drury, C. (2011). Cost and management accounting. Andover, Hampshire, UK: South-Western Cengage Learning. Horngren, C. (2011). Cost accounting. Frenchs Forest, N.S.W.: Pearson Australia. Lanen, W. N., Anderson, S Maher, M. W. (2008). Fundamentals of cost accounting. NY: Hang Loose press. Maher, L. (2005). Fundamentals of Cost Accounting, Maher. McGraw-Hill Quast, L. (2011). Creating Incentive Plans That Actually Incent Employees, retrieved September 28, 2016 from https://www.forbes.com/sites/lisaquast/2011/09/19/creating-incentive-plans-that-actually-incent-employees/#2bc7d274486a Vanderbeck, E J. (2013). Principles of Cost Accounting. Oxford university press

Friday, November 29, 2019

The Bell Jar Analysis Essay. Sylvia Plaths Novel Literary Criticism

The Bell Jar is a semi-autobiographical novel having names of places and individuals altered and it tells six months in the life of its central character, Esther Greenwood, an over-achieving college student from the suburbs of Boston, Massachusetts. Written by the American writer and poet, Sylvia Plath, the book was initially published in London, England, under the pseudonym â€Å"Victoria Lucas† in January 1963, and it was in 1966 that the novel was first published under the author’s real names.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Bell Jar Analysis Essay. Sylvia Plath’s Novel Literary Criticism specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More By 1971, due to the desires of Plath’s husband and mother, the publishing of the novel in the U.S. started to take place and it received several positive reviews. An analysis and interpretation of this compelling novel reveals that it parallels Plath’s ow n experiences. In the opening chapters of the novel, the author introduces the initial situation by illustrating the life of Esther, a college student, working as an intern at a women’s magazine in New York together with numerous other successful college girls (Bloom, 20). Nonetheless, regardless of the fact that Esther had almost all things that a young woman can desire to have, her life is full of a devastating sense of disaffection and hopelessness. In spite of having a dreamy boyfriend, an excellent academic performance, and a comfortable job as an intern, Esther is terribly unhappy with her life and she feels that the community is grooming her for a docile life in future. During summer holidays, she gets back home to a Boston suburb where she proves her most horrible fears about herself. Her bitter relationship with her mom coupled with her dismissal from the summer writing program increased her emotions of alienation and despair for the rest of the summer period. This i s the conflict in the story. Next, Plath introduces elements of conflict in the story. As the summer was nearing to an end, Esther’s conduct became more unpredictable as her hopelessness increased, even after visiting a psychiatrist and performing an electroshock therapy. After a few uncertain trials at suicide, she made up her mind to end all her sufferings by creeping into a void beneath her house and consumed an excess dose of sleeping pills; however, she was saved in the nick of time a few days later when she was barely alive. Further, the author introduces suspense in the story in depicting Esther’s situation for the first few days following her unsuccessful suicide attempts. The time she spent at the psychiatric wards of the first two different hospitals did nothing to alleviate her suffering; however, the initiative that Philomena Guinea, the woman who sponsored her college scholarship, took to take her to a private psychiatric institution assisted her in coming out of her depressed state.Advertising Looking for essay on comparative literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Thereafter, the author introduces aspects of denouement in the story. At the private institution, Esther’s condition got better until she was given more freedom to go walking in town, which made her to enter into a sexual relationship with a Harvard professor. Unfortunately, she bled profusely during this encounter and her fellow psychiatric patient, Joan, assisted her to come out of the ordeal. However, Joan committed suicide a few days later. As the novel ends, Esther is entering into an exit interview and one can assume that he is indeed going to be released from the psychiatric institution. Esther says, â€Å"I have been born twice—patched, retreated and approved for the road† (Plath, 244) and makes her back to the society again. Outstandingly, several events in the novel parallel those of the life of its writer. Both the author and her fictional counterpart lost their father at their childhood, both were skillful poets who were distinguished for wining prices and scholarships, and somehow similar to Esther, Sylvia went through electroshock therapy and went missing after a suicide attempt, thereafter she was hospitalized for psychotherapy. Imitating the initial chapters of the book, Sylvia’s real-life magazine was at Mademoiselle Magazine in the early 1950s and Philomena Guinea parallels Sylvia’s own patron, Olive Higgins Prouty, who funded her education while she was a student at the prestigious women’s college known as the Smith College located in Northampton, Massachusetts. Sylvia was dismissed from a Harvard class taught by Frank O’Connor and Sylvia’s personal therapist, Ruth Beuscher, is widely believed to parallel Dr. Nolan who attended to Esther in the novel. A significant potion of the book that talks about the hospitaliza tion of Esther is thought to be based on the incidences recorded by Mary Jane Ward in her autobiographical novel The Snake Pit; consequently, the fact that Sylvia was a patient at McLean Hospital resembles the â€Å"snake pit† experience depicted in Ward’s book (Ward, 5). It is important to note that Sylvia Intentionally based the depiction of Esther being in hospital on the practices and techniques described Ward’s novel. When the novel was initially published under its pseudonym, Sylvia was dissatisfied by the assessments that passed judgment on the book as a feminist corresponding item to the works of the American author, Jerome David Salinger. The assessments were lukewarm, since British reviewers pointed that it was an analysis of American society and considered the title character to be a desperate individual, and, sadly, less than one month following the initial publication of the novel, Sylvia committed suicide through asphyxiation.Advertising We wi ll write a custom essay sample on The Bell Jar Analysis Essay. Sylvia Plath’s Novel Literary Criticism specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The major theme of the novel is a feminist one. Its main character goes through various difficulties under the restricted responsibilities available for the women of her time and the inferiority of women to men; thus, the story is a protest at the expectations that women are obliged to comply with so as to be regarded normal and victorious in the male-dominated society. One of the minor themes of the book is its portrayal of anxiety about death. The protagonist’s suicidal imaginations as well as imaginations of death pervade the book. She is so incapacitated with anxiety that most of the time she does not respond to the things taking place around her and she feels often in the â€Å"hell† of her own mind. For example, this quotation, â€Å"†¦wherever I sat-on the deck of a s hip or a street cafà © in Paris or Bangkok I would be sitting under the same glass bell jar stewing, in my own sour air†(Plath, 185), introduces the symbol of the bell jar in the novel. This illustrates that Esther’s suicidal imaginations are derived from a sense of suffocating isolation because of the large gap that exists between the expectation of the community about her and her own feelings and experiences, and, as such, she retreats more within herself as the bell jar is covered tightly over her. And, in the last chapter, Esther’s supposed cure is depicted: â€Å"How did I know that someday—at college, in Europe, somewhere, anywhere—the bell jar, with its stifling distortions, wouldn’t descend again?† (Plath, 241). A poem that Sylvia wrote in the month of her death named â€Å"Balloon† also illustrates this theme of anxiety of death. In the poem, she attempts to write down her thoughts about life, centering on the Christma s holiday she had just enjoyed with her family members. Moreover, she also centers on a baby boy squeaking a balloon; however, in the end, the balloon is burst, leaving only a slice of red in the baby’s fist: â€Å"Then sits Back, fat jug contemplating a world clear as water. A red Shred in his little fist† (Plath, last paragraph). Thus, the â€Å"Balloon† early images are incorporeal, and then the culmination approaches, without anything. In conclusion, the novel is in the genre of coming-of-age fiction because of the way it marked out the path of Esther, the protagonist in the story, as she moved in a crucial period in her life from an inexperienced teenager to an experienced young woman. The story is told in the narrator point-of-view; that is, the events are filtered through the novel’s protagonist, which forces the readers to follow what happens inside her head.Advertising Looking for essay on comparative literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More However, as much as this narrative style gives the readers a first hand information of what is happening, it becomes difficult to get an objective view of Esther or a more detailed analysis of the other characters in the novel. Narrated from the protagonist’s point-of-view, the novel’s tone is cynical, tormented, and humorous in its portrayal of the events that take place. Works Cited Bloom, Harold. Sylvia Plath’s The bell jar. New York, NY : Bloom’s Literary Criticism, 2009. Print. Plath, Sylvia. â€Å"Balloons.† Poemhunter.com. Poem Hunter, 5 Feb. 1963. Web. Plath, Sylvia. The bell jar. New York: Harper Perennial, 2006. Print. Ward, Mary. The snake pit. Cutchogue, N.Y.: Buccaneer Books, 1983. Print. This essay on The Bell Jar Analysis Essay. Sylvia Plath’s Novel Literary Criticism was written and submitted by user Declan V. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Monday, November 25, 2019

buy custom Breast Cancer essay

buy custom Breast Cancer essay This research aims at finding out the reasons behind the low rates of cancer in South Asian women living in New York, USA as compared to the indigenous white women. As its well known, breast cancer rate among South Asian women is much lower compared to other racial groups. However, being born in Asian does not make you immune from contracting the disease. Scientists have discovered that this group of people becomes vulnerable to the disease when they adopt the Western culture. This is evident because of the contrasting statistics done on both native south Asian women and the immigrants (University mirofilms international, 1985). Those South Asians living in New York, USA are affected more compared to those back home. This discovery applies to also the duration one has been in the foreign country. Those who have stayed longer in the USA seem to be at a higher risk compared to those who arrived later. That South Asian individual born in New York, USA has equal chances of getting breast cancer as the white women (Association for community organization and social administration, 1998). The common belief is that the difference may be have been brought about by diet. The native group sticks to their traditional food while the immigrants deviate to the western meal that constitute of meat and a lot of sugar (McKeith, 2006). On the other hand, scientists do not see it as wise to change diet in that people take more of the traditional delicacies and avoid the beef and sweet foods; rather they advice on eating a healthy balanced diet and going for regular screening. They insist that this is the best way of minimizing the risk of getting breast cancer (Beliveau, 2007). Scientists find it hard to single out a particular food that causes cancer. They have suggested that there could be ingredients in the diet that increase mutations to the DNA (Biosciences information service of abstract experts, 1998) or that is causing changes to the hormonal balance. Both of these factors can lead to cancer. However, there has been no study on this subject that could identify the reason why this is so. Dietary as a factor causing cancer is still debatable. Results from related studies do not support the concept that taking in fat at middle age increase the risk of breast cancer (Carol, 2004). However, the gaining of weight in middle life does. The consumption of alcohol is seen as a major contributor to high risks. Western culture consumes food that is rich in fat. Such foods could lead to obesity and consequently increases the chances of southern women of contracting the disease. (Mary, 2010) As much as the immigrants have low incidences of getting cancer, this advantages gradually changes for the worst. These observations support the concept that nutrition is an environmental determinant of breast cancer (Simone, 1994). Experiments done on rodents show that a diet of high fat increases the occurrence of mammary tumors in them though results coming from animals can be controversial. It is difficult to distinguish the effects of fat and that of energy intake in the studies of cancer. Its in studies specifically created to show the independent effects of fat and energy intake that the effect of fat has been determinedto be weak in relation to that of energy or simply failed to exist. The hypothesis on high fat diet is therefore most reliable when based on observation. High consumption rates leads to high breast cancer mortality rates. Just as seen in south Asian women who migrated to New York. It is the great difference created by South Asian women that we have to the conclusion that food is a major factor when it comes to cancer. It also could be an answer that would curb the current epidemic (Salaman, 1983). It is no wonder that food such as flaxseed has become very popular in America (American public health association, 2003) since its thought to have healing effects. The cereal is made out of flax oil which is a very nutritious fat. The other component very vital is a fiber very special known to protect against breast cancer and heart diseases (Kilham, 1991). With the right diet the need of surgery thats required from a mastectomy to a lumpectomy is greatly reduced. Diet can therefore be said to play a major role in fighting cancer as shown by the South Asian immigrant women in New York (Eidem, 2009). They changed their diets and moved from being cancer resistant to people vulnerable to the disease. Nutrition is emerging as the most effective way to prevent breast cancer (Kushi, 1993). An experiment on done rats whereby rats induced with cells of human breast cancer developed at a fast rate tumors when fed a diet heavy in omega-6 fat and the opposite happens when fed in omega-3 fats. This diet is to be taken by people who have survived cancer. Its highly recommended that people once victims of cancer should take large amounts of fish oil (Weil, 1990). Limitations The strengths This study is based on observing the treads of the South Asian women living in New York City USA. This particular group shows a high resistance to the disease before their immigration. This immunity seems to reduce down the generation; and this is a fact that cannot be denied. Offspring currently born in the city show those Asian women are better at fighting cancer than the white women. (Rebecca, 2009). This change can be said to have been brought about by the change of lifestyle. This is also so because those who remained in Asia; and therefore kept to their traditional diet still remain strong to the malignant cells. By observation exhibited by this group of people then a deduction can be made that diet has a lot to do with risks of getting breast cancer. These observations are also reliable because there is a distinct difference on the kind of delicacies taken by the South Asian women back at home and what has been introduced to the immigrants in New York (Hofstetter, 2001). In the Western culture, food is high in fat and cholesterol while their traditional meals are about low fat meals like vegetables. The latter on does not promote obesity which is one of the factors promoting the chances of having cancer at adult age. The data collected based on these two observations are undisputable and clear. The nutrients proposed for prevention of breast cancer also help in preventing other diseases such as heart attacks, stroke, other kinds of cancers, diabetes and obesity (Quillin, 2001). Food is a lot kinder (Carlos, 2007) to ones body than drugs. With drugs there could be side effects especially with very strong ones. However with diet, things are flexible. Changing what you eat can interrupt many places in the sequence that causes cancer without having toxic implications as drugs have (Patrick, 2007). Diet is actually capable of altering the structure of the breast. It is also able to changing the flow of hormones in the bodys blood stream that causes breast from the beginning. Its also not cumbersome and offers a variety of options to choose from (Kelly, 1994). There are different categories of women pruned to breast cancer and for unique reasons. Therefore a variety of diets are prescribed to cater for their needs (Beliveau, 2007). This are: A diet for women who have high levels of estrogen, basically women who have not reached menopause yet A diet for women with low estrogen (George, 1982). A woman once a victim of breast cancer but survived A diet for women at high risk of contracting the disease, powerful supplements are recommended for such patients. This diet designed and purposed to fight cancerous cells is both a preventive mechanism and a treating tool (Marchetti, 1988). However, though primary, it shouldnt dispose of the secondary prevention. Finding tumors at their earliest stages is very vital. This is to say that one has to self-examine herself; so is mammography. This two do still play a major role when it comes to minimizing the risk of death from breast cancer (Corrigan, 2008). Weakness The hypothesis largely depends on per capita fat consumption which in turn relies on economic development; not only that but also low parity and having a first child at an old age; such things as much body fat and high levels of physical inactivity also affects the concepts. The data could also be unreliable because its estimates are based on the disappearance of food. It looks on the food available rather than the amount of food consumed. Food alone as a factor is not sufficient enough to show how it affects the immune system of people. One might take a balanced diet but also being a heavy drinker or smoker and this equally increases the chances of getting cancer (Eugene, 2009). Moreover, there is no substantial connection between animal fat intake and chances for getting breast cancer. Conclusion It is with hard and dedicated studies on South Asian women living New York that food has become of importance in trying to not only prevent cancer but also eradicate the pandemic it so greatly caused (Livingston, 1983). Its this particular group that show clearly the impact food has on ones health. The matter of food as a means of fighting such a deadly disease was taken skeptically at first. However, after a collection of data showing how unlikely South Asian immigrants were to having food was greatly advanced and has proved to be working for the best. A healthy balanced diet and early screening is excellent ways of fighting breast cancer (Ernie, 2002). Buy custom Breast Cancer essay

Friday, November 22, 2019

Evaluating People Skills Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Evaluating People Skills - Research Paper Example A competent manager with a team of unskilled individuals will not be able to score big on performance charts. On the other hand, a competent manager with a competent team always delivers satisfactory results. â€Å"One project management shoe no longer fits all feet† (DeCarlo, 2003). Trends in project management are constantly changing. Different project management techniques work for different projects. Moreover, certain project managers prefer particular project management technique and tools. In other words, project management gets customized frequently. New methodologies and templates are emerging to satisfy the needs of various projects. Trends in people skills have been shifting towards hiring people with tangible ‘People Skills’. Budget, schedule and technical specifications are the three features that determine the success and quality of a project. That is why project management trends are shifting towards putting together a team that can deliver according to the changing requirements of the projects. Accordingly, the trends in processes are also changing. More focus is now on the processes that deliver the most in relatively less amount of time as dramatic changes can be observed in technology leadership and practices. Usually, projects have technical difficulties and the needs for achieving more with less only puts pressure on team members of a project. Teams with significant human dimensions are successful in completing better projects. Virtual teams are the best examples of such human dimensions (Flannes, n.d.). These teams are better at handling cross-cultural variables. There is no doubt that project teams are facing more complexity and strain than ever. The world is recovering from a global economic downturn and this recovery process involves more innovation and more complexity in business projects. Moreover, there is more strain put on project teams due to global business competition. Now the projects generally involve people from

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

CIPD Course-Employee Relations - UK based system Essay

CIPD Course-Employee Relations - UK based system - Essay Example It is important that the organizational policies relating to aspects such as recruitment, selection, training, advancement, and disciplinary action, be in line with the relevant legislation such as the Equality Act 2010, the Employment Rights Act 1996, the Disability Discrimination Act 1995, and the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. Economic factors such as inflation, unemployment, economic growth and taxation affect employment relationship (Aswathappa, 2005). When the economy experiences growth, there are better prospects for business and employment. As a result, employers are eager to attract qualified and skilled employees by offering them attractive remuneration and benefits (Aswathappa, 2005). On the other hand, during a recession, organizations consider redundancies and layoffs more frequently in order to reduce their costs and remain competitive. This may also result in downward revision of employees’ pay packages. Social factors such as unemployment, immigration and changing societal trends also affect the employment relationship (CIPD, 2013). High levels of unemployment result in low wages offered and few benefits, if any, as the unemployed have no other alternative. Rising immigration levels result in low-skilled jobs being taken by foreign workers, who can be paid lower wages than British workers. Trends such as dual-income households and even single-parent households mean that employers have to accommodate concern for the personal obligations of employees in the workplace. Worker, employee, and self-employed are three different types of employment status in the UK. According to the legal definition, an employee is an individual who has entered into or works under (or, where the employment has ceased, worked under) a contract of employment. A worker is defined as â€Å"an individual who works under (a) a contract of employment or (b) any other contract whereby the individual undertakes to do or perform

Monday, November 18, 2019

Rape Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Rape - Essay Example It is essentially intended to humiliate, demean and harm the victim. In looking at physical results of rape, the victim is often but not always choked or strangled at some point during the rape and will often suffer from ligature marks around the neck after the rape itself Due to forced penetration, genitals of the rape victim can become swollen and bruised. In addition, bruising around the rectal area can also become bruised and swollen. Many rape victims are left with STDs after a rape occurs, and often suffer this physical affect for a lifetime. Rape victims, when female; may also become pregnant after a rape occurs. This often leaves the victim with a decision of whether to get an abortion or not. A rape victim may also experience trouble urinating after an attack, or may suffer from urinary tract infections. Abdominal pain and cramping after an attack is also common. Some victims of rape may even experience skin problems, headaches, loss of appetite, excess appetite, sore throat, nausea, back ache and pelvic soreness. The most important thing though for rape victims to do after an attack, is to seek medical help immediately. It is crucial for victims to not bathe or shower directly after an attack, as the emergency room staff will need to acquire evidence from the victim’s body in order to identify the rapist. The psychological fallout that rape victims suffer is often lifelong due to the horrific experience of being raped. These psychological symptoms include depression, anxiety, feelings of guilt over what has happened (even though rape is never the victims fault), nightmares, flashbacks, a feeling of emotional numbness, irritability and debilitating or extreme fear. A rape victim may experience something called PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) which is a psychological disorder brought on by extreme stress and fear, much like what a rape victim experiences during a rape. Other psychological symptoms include an overall

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Managing Customer Relationships: Case Studies on Loyalty

Managing Customer Relationships: Case Studies on Loyalty CRM This component will focus on managing customer relationships with the organization in order to enhance customer loyalty. Moreover, it will also discuss on the aspects of the virtual world and the strategy which will be implemented to use YouTube as a vehicle to communicate with the customers. Business Dilemma Yes I believe that the most influential person in cafà © is the customer. Customers can help the Broadway Cafà © by increasing the sales of the cafà © and also they can help in promoting our cafà ©. For instance, if a customer comes to our cafà © and finds the service good and enjoys the food then that particular customer would definitely go and tell his/her friends and families about our cafà © and in this way many more customers will start coming to our cafà ©. In order to attract more customers we need to understand the needs of the customers and we need to find ways in which our cafà © can satisfy their needs. Customers will go away if the cafà © does not meet their expectation since customers nowadays have become more demanding. Moving on, it is very essential to give proper service to customers because customers can also hurt the cafà ©. If proper service is not provided to them then they can easily make a complaint about our cafà © and this can harm our reputation in the market. Sales of any business are based on customers and in order to maintain the customers we need to develop a customer relationship management strategy. We need to find ways in which we can improve our services and attract more customers because customers play an important role in the success of our cafà ©. As seen in I hate Dell.net that customers and employees are allowed to post their complaints on websites so it is very important for every business to serve its customers properly so that they dont post any complaints and hurt the reputation of the business. (SN Web Consulting), (I hate Dell.net). Yes our employees also believe that customers are the most important part of the cafà ©. Employees who work in our cafà © understand that it is very important to provide customers with proper service. Every top management expects their employees to practice a good customer relationship. Employees are employed in any company so that they can work and serve customers and they are judged upon how well they serve their customers. The Broadway cafà © can offer reward programs such as bonus to its employees in order for them to work hard and maintain customer satisfaction.   Therefore, employee that is most helpful to customers can be rewarded. Making Business Decision 1 â€Å"Virtual world can help people meet, collaborate, plan, visualize, train and learn together.† (How virtual world can help real world business, 2010). Second life and virtual world are playing an important role in a success of a business. Many businesses are developing virtual world in order to incorporate it into their business and increase profits. Also now businesses have realized that doing business in virtual world can solve problems which are faced in real world such as, communication, costs and training etc. In real world it is very hard for every employee to interact with other employees and work together but through virtual world it becomes easier to communicate with every employee and work together. (How virtual world can help real world business, 2010) Moving on, Advertising in virtual world can maximize our customers and this will also lead to a reduction in production costs. Many customers nowadays like watching videos on internet and they mostly like those videos that are presented in funny structure and which has all information regarding the product. Hence, with the use of videos we can advertise and in this way it will reach to customers more quickly and it would be far more effective. Also there will be a reduction in travelling costs as people can communicate in virtual world and save time and costs on travelling down to each others office for meetings etc. (Lowe, 2009). In virtual world products are displayed in different forms for different businesses and in some you can test out the product how it looks on you and it allow people to see or use them before you actually purchase the product. Virtual world is a very useful tool for people to be able to meet virtually and also get full information about a particular product. Also it increases brand visibility and facilitates a new customer base. Therefore, it could be said that virtual can really make work easier for business in real world. (Saltzman, 2008). Customer relationship will be different in a virtual world is through that there will be no physical interaction amongst customers and employees. In virtual world customers can express themselves properly for what they want and they can also state their views on which type of product they are looking for. Here customers will get an experience of how things will be at store, the surrounding and the types of products that are sold. Moving on, in virtual world customers will be able to make complaints about the product but they will have to wait on the response from the company regarding their complaint. In order to manage customer relationships in this new virtual environment you need to be prompt while providing feedback to customers. For instance you should try to answer a customers query within 24 hours. Also try to deal with customer complaints in correct manner so that they dont get offended. You need to be polite and attentive with customers either in real world or virtual world customers are one of the major factor in contributing to business world. Furthermore try to follow up with every customers concern. (Baley, 2011). Supporting traditional customers are the customers in real world. Supporting second life customers will be different in a way that in second life it will be more advanced and more expensive to implement. In second life only those users who are fully equipped with the latest computing hardware can have equal access to second life. Also in second life a new customer will need to take some time getting familiarize with the second life world while for traditional customers it is not so complicated. (Chia Yao Lee, 2007). In second life customers can interact with the employees at the same time in its avatar forms but on web site customers are unable to interact they are just able to email each other. If any product is displayed on web site, then a customer can only view the image of the product and price of it and can just place an order while in second life customers get chance to try the product on themselves and if it suits them only then they purchase it. Advertising on web site is much cheaper compared to second life but in this modern world second life is more acceptable as it provides customers with maximum satisfaction in regards to what a customer actually wants and is looking for. The security issue which you might encounter in second life is authentication and identity theft. People ‘interact in virtual world via avatars and new accounts can be opened†. (Beer, 2007)There will be times when there will be multiple avatars and it will be hard to ensure which avatar represents whom and even if that particular avatar represents to actual person then it will be hard to know to whom it is actually associated to. Moving on, confidential and sensitive information shouldnt be discussed in a second life because it is not so secured. For instance, the information exchanged texts and chats may not be private. (Beer, 2007). Also theft of virtual objects example, stealing of avatar clothes, virtual buildings designs etc. There can be unauthorized use of real world brand name and trade mark. Furthermore payment and transaction integrity can be an issue too. As there is a risk for virtual wallets and inventory to get stolen. (Chia Yao Lee, 2007). Some of the ethical issue is â€Å"defamation and disparagement meaning spreading of false rumors and misleading information. There can be disparagement of virtual and real world products† (Chia Yao Lee, 2007) . Moving on, people having fake identity are not an ethical behavior. Also â€Å"vandalism and harassment† (Chia Yao Lee, 2007) is an ethical issue, damaging of virtual objects and virtual locations. (Chia Yao Lee, 2007). Making business decision 2 YouTube would help in communicating with customers about the unusual long waits for frappachunios and cappuccinos through a video. As JetBlues founder apologized to its customers via YouTube for the cancellation of flights, thats how Broadway cafà © can show a video to their customers on the implementation of new espresso machine and how employees are still getting used to it. You can show in the video that customers who are willing to have frappachnios and cappuccinos, they can place their order in advance, so once it gets ready then the employee can contact their customers and then customers can come and have their farppachnios and cappuccinos and enjoy the drink rather then waiting in lines for the order and getting frustrated. Since most of the people go on YouTube so it will be best to upload a video about this problem on YouTube so that majority of the customers will see the video and place their order in advance. Moving on, the four new employees who have been employed recently are having difficulty understanding the new machine, so the old employees are most of the time assisting the new ones. In this way much time is wasted and employees are not able to attain to customers. Therefore, you can also upload a video on YouTube regarding on the usage of the new machine so that new employees can view that video and can learn from there on how to use the new machine rather than always asking the old employees assistance. In this way the problems can be rectified. Some of the Pros of using YouTube as a customer communication vehicle are that many people nowadays watch videos on YouTube and thus, advertising on it will be very beneficial for the cafà ©. You can watch the video for free and also Broadway Cafà © can express its creativity of the cafà © and its variety of products on YouTube easily and in more advanced form. Furthermore, advertising on YouTube will result in reduction in marketing cost and it is very useful and much effective then advertising in real world. (Feldman) Some of the cons of using YouTube as a customer communication vehicle is that, the video uploaded on YouTube can be viewed by everyone. Since it is viewable by everyone so everyone who views it can post comment. Some times some people post bad comments which can harm Broadway cafà ©s image and reputation. (Feldman).â€Å"Try to avoid spam approach otherwise viewers will stop watching any video that has been uploaded by the cafà ©.† (Feldman). Yes there are other technologies which could be used as a customer communication vehicle. Websites such as social networking for instance, MySpace, Facebook. Nowadays people enjoy social networking, so publishing on website such as Facebook will be very beneficial since many people will get to view the Broadway Cafà ©s website and this will attract more customers. We can also use Blogs. It can be used to promote products, therefore, Broadway cafà © can use Blogs to promote their products and increase sales. (SN Web Consulting). Apply Your Knowledge Currently the Broadway cafà ©s quality of data within the system is low. It has become difficult to determine which customers are ordering what type of food or music. Having quality information means, to have accurate and up to date information. As for Broadway cafà © their data is not up to date and accurate. Quality information should be free from duplication error meaning not having two names for a particular product which becomes hard to identify under which product name the product should be charged. There shouldnt be any confusion while obtaining certain information. (What is data quality). It is very important to have high quality information because it will determine the success of the cafà © in future and also enable for the cafà © to have a good reputation in the market. Most of the times customers are dissatisfied with the low quality information presented by businesses therefore, it is extremely important to have high quality information so that customers are satisfied. Proper information makes it easy for customers to place orders and also it becomes easy for employees to understand the order and serve the customer with the correct order. High quality information would lead to better decisions to be made and boost more profitability for the business. It can obtain competitive advantage in the market and also achieve employees and customer satisfaction which would enable cafà © to achieve the organisational goal. Furthermore, low quality information simply means not having accurate and up to date information about a particular product. Low quality information mostly results in lose of customers because of customer dissatisfaction. Customers who places order expects to receive the correct product. Moving on, Cafe is facing difficulties in determining which customer has ordered which product. This is due to, the poor quality of data been entered into the system. Low quality information will result in poor decisions made .Also many customers who will be dissatisfied with the service provided will also stop coming to the cafà © and this will affect the cafà © and its profitability. The way in which the Broadway Cafà © could understand its customers is by knowing how much each customer purchases and who all are the valuable customers. This can be done by taking account of the customer ID and calculating the sales for the particular customer for all the years. In this way we will better understand our customers and find ways to retain them. Moreover, by evaluating the products and stock on hand figure. Broadway Cafà © can focus on marketing of those products more which are selling fast, because this would satisfy the customers needs and also increase sales. There are many data quality issues as noticed in CRM_AYK.xls. The data presented is very confusing. For instance, the product name  ½ cup of coffee for coffee sales, it is stated two times differently. First it is named as  ½ cup of coffee and then named as  ½ Cup of Coffee, so when a customer places order for  ½ cup of coffee the data is entered incorrectly. Therefore, to avoid confusion they should just keep one properly spelt name of  ½ cup of coffee. Also data presented under heading ‘Other it does not state any dollar value so we can not state that what actually the figures under the heading ‘Other depicts and how to take account of the figures. Some of the figures are negative so it is very hard to analyse that what the negative figure means. Maybe they are recording some products under one general heading as ‘Other. To avoid this issue the company can just record the products under its respective headings rather then putting it all under one as ‘Other which is ambiguous. It also shows negative amounts which needs to be clarified as, what it means and how it should be taken into account. The Cafà © needs to keep track of the stock and the system should automatically depict that how much stock is left for instance, if a Music CD is sold then the system should automatically decrease one Music CD from the stock record and also show how many more Music CDs are left. Moving on, when identifying the best selling product it is hard to indicate whether to take into account the highest number of sales of the highest number of product sold or the profitability of the products or whether to just take into account the highest number of product sold. We have assumed and taken into account the customer ID and the total amount of sales for each customer for all the years and have analysed upon the highest number of sales as the best customer. Upon analysing the customers with their highest number of sales amount for all the years we see that customer number 305668 has the highest sales amount of $49647.45 and is regraded as the best customer. In past 5years it could be said that these customers have purchased a lot from Broadway Cafà © which is very good and we need to retain these customers by providing them with better service and meeting their expectations. There are many marketing campaigns which need to be used in order to retain our valuable customers. The cafà © should increase in its customer satisfaction and loyalty and try to understand a customers needs. The cafà © can have a promotional activity such as rewards for best customer of the year and the best customer wins prizes. Moreover, cafà © can offer discounts to valuable customers in order to retain those customers. We have assumed that in order to determine the best selling product and the worst selling product we looked at the total sales figure of the best and worst types of products sold and not the units because it was a little confusing. We havent taken into account any value from column heading other because it is very ambiguous, it does not have dollar value so it is hard to determine whether the amounts are in terms of dollars or units. Also it has negative figures so if it is a sale amount then how can it be in negative and how to take account of it. Therefore, we have not taken any data from column heading other in calculation of all the questions above.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

How the Authors Create a Feeling of Fear and Terror in The Ostler, The

How the Authors Create a Feeling of Fear and Terror in The Ostler, The Red Room and The Superstitious Man's Story In order to answer this question I read the relevant stories, i.e. 'The Ostler' by Wilkie Collins, 'The Red Room' by H.G. Wells and 'The Superstitious Man's Story' by Thomas Hardy in great detail. I will now attempt to compare the methods the authors have utilised to create the impact mentioned above. In order to see which one has been more effective in conveying fear and terror, suspense and the extraordinary, in my opinion. Furthermore, I will endeavour to point out the similarities and differences in tense, style and prose between the stories, using quotations where appropriate. Moreover, I will discuss the roles the various characters play. These people are important, as the reader needs to identify to some extent with the narrator and his description and interpretation of his 'human props' as well as the setting they are placed in. The opening to any story is crucial, since the reader may not decide to continue with his intention to 'read all' if he/she is not sufficiently interested in the first few sentences. In 'The Superstitious Man's Story' the reader is struck immediately by an air of mystery, and somehow feels privy to a secret. This is a story steeped in 'hearsay'. The narrator (the seedman's father) painstakingly talks us through every minute detail 'putting away the irons and things, and preparing the table for his breakfast in the morning.' By placing so much emphasis on mundane issues the impact of the extraordinary is in stark contrast. It is almost as if the reader is lulled into a sense of security, ... ...e unknown is intriguing to many. Even though the three stories have a different approach they all centre of the supernatural. They are all written pre-1914 - well before the advent of technology, which has accelerated at an alarming rate. Nowadays, our culture revolves around technology and people require proof. It is essential for an author to set the scene, draw the reader in and when that is accomplished deliver the punch line. All of the authors succeed in doing this. 'The Superstitious Man's Story' is too stark, and puts the reader 'on guard' as to its content. I prefer the gradual style of the other two stories. In 'The Red Room' and 'The Ostler' the settings and the characters enhance the plot immensely. The characters are not developed enough in 'The Superstitious Man's Story', and the setting is rather boring.

Monday, November 11, 2019

The Harmful Effects of Timbering

How does the role of politics and legislation that affect the timber industry today compare to that of a hundred years ago? In the early years of West Virginia†s statehood there was a government that tried to build it†s own identity. Starting out as an underdeveloped state that was rich in natural resources, there was an urgency to erect industry within West Virginia. Upon examination of West Virginia today, one can see the same desire to maintain and increase industry in the state. It is my belief that today, as well as a hundred years ago, the government views industry as it†s top priority versus state residents and the safety of the environment. I will now attempt to compare and contrast the role politics and legislation has played in the growth and development of the timber industry in the state of West Virginia for the last 100 years. In the early years of West Virginia statehood a definite emphasis was put on industrial growth. Before this industrial growth there was a revolution that took place. As a result of the Constitution of 1863, the law became more industry oriented and moved away from being a protector of philosophy and culture. Following the Constitution of 1872, there was a facilitation to allow the â€Å"transfer of land from smallholders to the coal and lumber companies (Lewis p.103-105).† One of the main goals in the early years of statehood in West Virginia was to establish a strong, striving capitalistic economy. However, their ideas on how to achieve this varied throughout the state. Should the state remain an agricultural society, or move to an industrial society? This struggle continued, and this is when the role government played in the economy was determined (Lewis p. 106). As the timber industry grew in West Virginia â€Å"lumbermen began to demand that the law help them to overcome their lack of capital so they could develop the state†s resources.† The greatest problem at this time was the lack of transportation. The government began to accommodate the timber industry. Corporations were given the right to dam streams or change their flow, with legal permission (Lewis p.107). Ronald Lewis, author of Transforming the Appalachian Countryside, writes that: Public subsidy to improve water transportation for lumber was never undertaken in West Virginia, especially in comparison to with the public assistance provided to railroads. The lumber industry during this period developed no giant corporations that could compare with the railroads, and so its ability to exert political power was comparatively limited. It was through indirect stimulus that the law promoted investment in the lumber industry, which conformed the theme of nineteenth century policy (Lewis p.108). The timber industry flourished through an â€Å"indirect stimulus† of breaks given and provided to the railroads. Legislators gave entrepreneurs many rights to assist with industrial growth, such as building dams across streams or changing the path of a stream, so long as it did not interfere with steamboats and other lumber companies. If a log washed up on someone†s personal property and they disturbed it within the first ten days, they were punishable by law (Lewis p.108). According to Ronald Lewis it is the belief of James Willard Hurst, a prominent legal scholar and I concur, that the government sided with business and exploited the people. There is enough evidence of court decisions and legislation that favors industry and business over the common man, to validate Hurst†s belief. The previous paragraphs depict an industry that thrived although it has slowed down somewhat in the last 100 years. Now, I am going to examine the timber industry in West Virginia today. My source will be Ken Ward†s articles that have appeared in the Charleston Gazette about the regulations imposed on the timber industry. Ward†s articles, in my opinion, are biased in favor of the timber industry. However, when writing upon a subject that is so controversial, it is nearly impossible to not show a bias. An examination of how things have changed, will not show a great deal. However, it is safe to say that more money changes hands today. Today there are more regulations, mostly where permits and licenses are concerned than 100 years ago. â€Å"Anyone who is conducting timber operations, purchasing timber, or buying logs for resale has to obtain a permit from the division of Forestry (Ward, State timbering law).† To attain and keep this license, applicants have to pay $50 a year. At every timber operation there has to be at least one person who has completed a certification course from the Division of Forestry. This person is trained in first aid, soil erosion prevention, and safe conduct of timbering (Ward, State timbering law). The Forestry Division is supposed to be notified within three days of any and all timbering operations. The notification should include the names of those who own the timber. There should also be included a sketch map of the location complete with roads used for the hauling and stream crossings (Ward, State timbering law). In Ken Ward†s article, †¦Critics say more rules are necessary, but backers say present law is sufficient, a Morgantown geologist, Richard diPretoro stated that he believes the timber industry is under-regulated, comparatively speaking. The coal industry, which is much bigger than timbering in West Virginia today, has much stricter regulations. Strip Miners have to return the land to previous contour when they are finished. Those in the timber industry can leave the land any way they so desire (Ward, Critics say more rules†¦). Loggers are supposed to follow a set of guidelines known as â€Å"best management practices.† These are a set of voluntary guidelines set up to protect the environment. Environmentalist would like to see regulations for the timber industry become more stringent. However, the director of the state Division of Forestry, Bill Maxey, feels that they have more regulations than they need. I†m not sure that Bill Maxey†s statement is free of prejudice, because the Division of Forestry is responsible for overseeing loggers and well as promoting the growth of wood product businesses. In my opinion, that would be conflict of interest. Many people interviewed in Ward†s article discuss how the environmental damage done by the coal industry is more harmful and will last longer than that of the timber industry. Joel Stopha, a wood products marketing specialist, states, â€Å"Poor timber harvesting practices will cause only a few years of water quality problems(Ward, Critics say more rules†¦).† We have the means to ensure that we have no water quality problems whatsoever. So, how does the role of politics and legislation compare in regards to the timber industry today to that of 100 years ago? I believe that the state government is still mainly focused on the growth of industry in West Virginia just as we were in the beginning of our statehood. Today we see more regulation in the form of different fees and licenses required. As with everything else in this world, things change. Of course, the timber industry is no different. However, other than the natural changes that occur, there really has not been a huge change in the fact that the state government still favors industry over the state residents and this is reflected in the way the state government is failing to enforce the laws that protect the bodies of water in this state by allowing the timber industry to contaminate bodies of water even if it is for â€Å"only a couple of years.†

Saturday, November 9, 2019

What Are the Problems with the Uk’s Party System, and How Might They Be Resolved?

What are the problems with the UK’s party system, and how might they be resolved? This essay will analyse the challenges and problems UK party system is facing. The essay will look into public apathy and mistrust, resulting in low party membership and low electoral participation. The main argument is that political parties do not have strong enough incentives to connect with voters. Proposals to resolve these problems will be changing electoral system, further limiting donations to the political parties and banning their trade activities, forcing more ideological changes and showing strong real actions to ignite the political debates. As we all know, UK political system is dominated by main two political parties, Labour and Conservatives. Historically, most of the elections, apart from few exceptions, resulted in one party forming the government whilst other party being in opposition. Throughout the history, British political parties enjoyed large memberships and enthusiastic support from all sections of population during the elections. Voters were more politically aware and active in political life. British Election Study’s survey in 1964 showed that three quarters of population had strong or fair affiliation with a political party (Pattie & Johnston, 2007, p. ). In 1950’s Labour had 1 million members while conservatives had 2,800,000 (Fieschi, 2006, p. 143) However, political parties lost the trust and support of public. Membership of parties is at all-time low. According to the recent study, only 2 percent of voters in the UK are party members (Beetham, Blick, Margets, & Weir, 2008, p. 42). People abstain from voting in general elections, the trend observed especially amongst young voters. Pressure groups and lobbyists are gaining more influence and political parties are increasingly getting disconnected from the general public. Latest MP’s expenses scandal dramatically reduced the trust in politicians. The trend is not unique to Britain. Other European states observe the same decline in public participation. Therefore, many analysts declared that the age of mass party membership is over (Beetham, Blick, Margets, & Weir, 2008, p. 42). But what are the reasons that the political parties lost the trust of public? It is not true that people are not interested in politics anymore. Mass mobilisation of cross-party protests against the war in Iraq is the biggest example that politics still plays important part in public’s life. Almost all of the works and researches done on the subject of declining of party politics agree on one thing- the electoral system in the UK and subsequent â€Å"two party† system that results from it is the main obstacle for parties to engage with public. The argument is, political parties only concentrate on swing voters and taking the â€Å"safe votes† for granted (Pattie & Johnston, 2007, p. 7). However, Britain always had a two party system with FPTP. So, why parties did not concentrate on marginal swing voter areas before? The explanation given by commentators is that Britain used to be divided into two poles: conservative traditionalists and labour working class. But now, most of the population is more or less â€Å"middle class† and have moved to the centre (Garner & Kelly, 1998, pp. 255-256). Therefore, people have marginalised their party or ideological identities. This argument does not hold ground, as although political parties reformed greatly, the membership of both parties still declined. â€Å"But this is because voters don’t see the difference between parties and are confused† the critics say. But, is it not exactly what the two political parties used to be; having two distinct ideologies? Yet, membership is declining in both cases. So, one might think that it is inevitable for party membership and influence to diminish on the face of social developments in the UK. However, there is another explanation. Commentators are right to point out to parties only concentrating on swing voters. However, while before, party largely depended on their grass-root support and mass membership, political leaders tried to be â€Å"independent† from their supporters. Many laws were passed amid the opposition of most of the party members. Even the reforms of the Conservatives under William Hague could not produce effective â€Å"democratisation† of the party. Today, both parties are still centralised. Parties just don’t need the support of their members anymore, as parties can only focus on minority of voters and still win the elections. The argument of inevitability of party support declining in the face of rising middle class is also weak. Labour party did manage to almost double its membership in 1997 with the drive to recruit more members (Whiteley, 2009, p. 249). However, once Labour came to power, party became more preoccupied with â€Å"governing†, and disregarded grassroots party (Whiteley, 2009, p. 249). The conclusion from above analysis is that, given the right incentives, parties are able to recruit members. But political parties are more concerned with winning elections and holding office, and not concentrating on representing the people (Copus, Clark, Reynaert, & Steyvers, 2008, p. 6). But how could political parties do it? Do they not depend on members and supporters at least financially to survive? Well, this brings us to the second issue-the party funding. It is only natural that parties did suffer financially with the decline in membership. However, all of the major parties managed to find wealthy donors to compensate for the loss (Jones, Kavanagh, Moran, & Norton, 2007, p. 196). Apart from that, political parties have found ways of generating money through trade, although at the moment it constitutes only minority of their budget (Granik, 2005). The issue of party funding through wealthy individuals have been and still remains a controversy. The funding scandals in both main political parties triggered the need to review their funding and expenditure. Following Neill Committee report, drastic changes were introduced, including declaration of donations over ? 5,000, banning the donations from foreign donors, capping the spending in general elections at ? 20 million and controls over spending on referendum campaigns (Jones, Kavanagh, Moran, & Norton, 2007, p. 196). Even before Neill Committee report, in 1976 and 1981 Houghton and Hansard Society reports respectively, proposed political parties being state funded (Garner & Kelly, 1998, p. 202). No action was taken by ruling Labour on Houghton report and Conservatives rejected Hansard Society report (Jones, Kavanagh, Moran, & Norton, 2007, p. 96). Proponents of the state funding claim that parties, like military or police are vital public bodies, therefore they need to be subsidised by taxpayer. It will also remove the reliance on donors, thus removing the undesired influence (Jones, Kavanagh, Moran, & Norton, 2007, p. 197). However, those arguments are weak. Although, it is true that the state funding might reduce the dependence on donors, it also removes the incentives for parties to recruit more members, thus stopping them further from engaging the people during inter-election times. Provided the public trust in political parties and politicians being record low, it will further raise the suspicions of the public, especially after the expenses scandal. The solution is not state funding, but limiting donations even further. Large donations from interested businesses and individuals should not be just declared, but banned altogether. Parties should be forced to, once again, rely on their members for funding. The claim that political parties are public bodies is untrue. They are voluntary bodies. Political parties are only good if they are fit for purpose, i. e. eing a link between a government and public. When they are successful in this task, they gain trust of public and their membership will soar. This automatically will solve their funding problems. Coming back to the issue of electoral system, most of the public agree that the FPTP is the most unjust type of representative system available. It is made worse by current decline in party allegiance among the popu lation. FPTP is also unfair to smaller parties. While major parties get disproportionately large amount of seats to the votes they received, for smaller parties it works the other way around. A more proportionally representative voting system will result in more parties competing in general elections, with new parties created to contest the elections. This competition will not only motivate parties to engage with public, as noted earlier, but also make people more politically active during the elections. Supporters of FPTP system say that it provides strong and effective government, while PR system likely to produce hanged parliaments and unstable coalitions. But political parties themselves are coalitions of many views, that’s why public is faced with non stopping rifts within the parties. Furthermore, coalitions can be persuaded to work with each other successfully, as it is the case in many European countries. Initially, labour government were committed to electoral reforms, with the promise of referendum on the issue in 1997 manifesto. A decade later, 2007 government green paper on constitutional reform had only one line, informing that electoral reform is still under revision (Brown & Straw, 2007, p. 46). This uncertainty and not delivering promises further alienates voters. â€Å"In 2009 Britain, a frighteningly large proportion of UK voters feel effectively disenfranchised† says John Ward of Guardian (Ward, 2009). One of his proposed solution to representation problem is reducing the power of party whips. He says that reduction of power of whips â€Å"†¦ is absolutely essential if backbench idleness, disillusionment and cynicism are to be curbed – and the executive controlled. Those few still in touch – the likes of Kate Hoey, David Davis, Dennis Skinner and Graham Brady – are popular because they understand widespread concerns (respectively) about rural life, personal liberty, uncompromising values and educational aspiration† (Whiteley, 2009). Problem of parties being too strict is actually good for their discipline. However, over the years one sees that the whip system is been abused to great extends, thus taking away the independence of politicians. There is a problem of people lacking political information. People lacking the political information are less likely to participate in politics. In 2006 Joseph Rowntree Trust’s â€Å"Power Report† was published, where the issue was identified amongst many others. In the report, the solution proposed was â€Å"The citizenship curriculum should be shorter, more practical and result in a qualification. † (Power Report, 2006, p. 204). As Power report admits, the curriculum has many flaws. It is unlikely that curriculum makes any significant impact on young people’s political participation. Therefore, political parties themselves should engage in educational activities. They should hold more meetings and rallies, explaining people why to vote and why to vote for them. Political parties should re-think their methods of appealing to public. Emphasis should be given to enlarging their membership and engaging with public. Rather than being a vote-calculating machines, they have to re-establish their clear ideological stands. Public disillusion with what they are voting fore can only be resolved with party philosophies and ideologies being distinct. They also have to find the ways of re-gaining public trust. For that, they need more action rather than words. Radicalism is missing in modern day politics. Mass rallies, public speeches are being replaced by appearances on mass media and point scoring PR campaigns. Of course, all the symptoms mentioned above are interconnected, so it would be wrong to analyse each separately and come to a negative conclusion. But we believe that old-fashioned traditional politics can work if politicians commit themselves more. If parties reform, they make their positions stronger, with respect and trust vested in them by public. Failure to reform will eventually lead to their doom. Bibliography Beetham, D. , Blick, A. , Margets, H. , & Weir, S. (2008, February). Power and Participation in Modern Britain. Retrieved November 11, 2009, from Democratic Audit: http://www. democraticaudit. org/download/PP_lowres. pdf Brown, G. , & Straw, J. (2007, July). The Governance of Britain (CM 7170, Green Paper on constitutional reforms. Retrieved November 11, 2009, from Official-Documents: http://www. official-documents. gov. k/document/cm71/7170/7170. pdf Copus, C. , Clark, A. , Reynaert, H. , & Steyvers, K. (2008). Minor Party and Independent Politics beyond the Mainstream: Fluctuating Fortunes but a Permanent Presence. Parliamentary Affairs , 62:1, 4-18. Fieschi, C. (2006). How British Parties Lost Our Favour. Parliamentary Affairs , 60:1, 143-152. Garner, R. , & Kelly, R. (1998). British political parties today (2 ed . ). Manchester: Manchester University Press. Granik, S. (2005). Invisible Business: The Unregulated World of Political Party Commerce. Politics , 25:2, 89-98. Jones, B. , Kavanagh, D. , Moran, M. & Norton, P. (2007). Politics UK (6 ed. ). Harlow, New York: Pearson Education. Mehdi, H. (2009, September 29). Do politicians matter? Retrieved November 15, 2009, from Guardian: http://www. guardian. co. uk/commentisfree/2009/sep/29/labour-conference-politicians-least-trusted Pattie, C. , & Johnston, R. (2007). Power to the People through â€Å"Real Power and True Elections†? The Power Report and Revitalising British Democracy. Parliamentary Affairs , 60:2, 1-26. Report, P. (2006). Power to the People. York: Power Enquiry. Ward, J. (2009, October 16). MPs have forgotten how to represent us. Retrieved November 11, 2009, from Guardian: http://www. guardian. co. uk/commentisfree/2009/oct/16/mps-representation-constitutional-reform Whiteley, P. (2009). Where Have All the Members Gone? The Dynamics of Party Membership in Britain. Parliamentary Affairs , 62 :2, 242-257. ——————————————– [ 1 ]. This year’s Ipsos Mori poll suggests that the politicians are the least trusted group of professionals, with only 13% of public trusting them. This is the lowest percentage politicians received in this poll in 26 years (Mehdi, 2009). [ 2 ]. For example Labour abandoning clause 4 and â€Å"modernising† the party [ 3 ]. Interesting to note that, although Conservative party was always associated with rich class and electorate dominated by working class, the party was always able to win the elections, gaining at least a third of working class. Especially during inter war periods; Conservatives were the most favourite party in inter-war period [ (Garner & Kelly, 1998, p. 56) ]. This reinforces our thesis that different ideologies could be overcome by concentrating in recruiting more grassroots party members. [ 4 ]. For example, Poll Tax of Conservatives, war in Iraq, 5 ]. The newly created â€Å"policy forum† to discuss the policies and national party conventions are only advisory and it became harder to challenge the leadership of the Conservative party (Jones, Kavanagh, Moran, & Norton, 2007, p. 287). [ 6 ]. Under this system, most of the votes are wasted. As we have observed before, parties take â€Å"safe seats† for granted and only campaign in â€Å"swing† constituencies. Public, on the other hand, knowing that their vote would not make a difference, abstain from voting. [ 7 ]. Evidence suggests that more competitive the elections, more people cast their vote (Pattie & Johnston, 2007, pp. 5-7).

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Gadget Toy Companys Network

Gadget Toy Companys Network Drawing Network Gadget Toy Company’s NetworkAdvertising We will write a custom essay sample on Gadget Toy Company’s Network specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Purpose of Critical Path A critical path helps the management to identify the most crucial activity in every project. A critical path is the longest time that a project can take to be completed. At the same time, it is the shortest time that a project can take because it has no float time. Identification of the critical path helps the management in allocating resources and directing the activities in order to accomplish the project within the stipulated time schedule (Webb, 2002). The critical path shows activities whose duration can be reduced to reduce the overall production duration. Otherwise, reducing activities, which do not form part of the critical path, increases cost without reducing the overall project duration. The critical path outlines the most impor tant sets of activities which when implemented the project goals will be realized (Webb, 2002).Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Tracking the project using the Critical path Critical path analysis allows management to monitor the development of the project while tracing its achievement (Webb, 2002). Through the critical path, the management can tell whether they will be able to meet their targeted goals or not. Any deviation arising are easily detected and remedial action are employed promptly to address any shortcomings. Moreover, the critical path helps the management to identify activities, which can be delayed in order to allocate limited resources to other activities without affecting the project duration. On the same note, the critical path helps the management make good judgments pertaining future changes in costs and other eventualities. To hasten project an alysis, Critical path is used to develop Gantt Charts, which illustrates the sequence in which activities are implemented (Webb, 2002). Gantt charts also shows which activities should be completed first before initiating others, without the critical path the management may find it difficult to understand which activities to implement first. Ways Preventing Project delays To keep the project on track the management may decide to switch some resource from an activity with float time to a critical activity. This process helps to ensure that all the critical activities are ran smoothly while delaying other activities, which are not critical (Webb, 2002). Delaying such projects does not affect the overall project duration. From the network drawn above, the management of Gadget Company may opt to delay activity D (Deliver material) to allocate more time for installing tools (activity E). Secondly, the management may opt to hire additional labor, or provide for overtime (work on weekends) in order to reinstate the project back on track. However such as measure means requires additional allocation of money to hire more labor. The other way that a project can be kept on track is by working at night so as to make up for the lost time. The other alternative would involve increasing supply so as to hasten the rate project completion time. However, any decision to increase labor and supply means incurring extra cost, which may not be readily available.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Gadget Toy Company’s Network specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Finally, Gadget Toy may opt to crash one of the critical activities to reduce the operation time. Crashing an activity involves reducing the duration taken by an activity at a higher cost. Crashing cost depends on the time reduced on top of the original cost budgeted for that activity. Ways of linking interrelated projects There are several ways of linking mu ltiple projects with interdependencies using the critical path method namely: Performance Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT), Earned Value Management (EVM) Graphical Evaluation and Review Technique (GERT) Program Evaluation and Review technique According to Webb (2002) PERT forms the foundation of planning and forecasting thereby enabling the management to prepare in advance. Apart from this, PERT provide management with ample time when it comes to decisions making especially in interrelated projects and portfolio projects. This management tool not only helps in effective utilization of resources of resource but it also ensures that all projects are completed within the stipulated time. This is made possible by visibility provided by the project as single process is used for various projects. Finally, PERT is a reliable tool for handling uncertainties because all projects are laid in a horizontal manner that makes it easier for management to detect any delay or slack. Earned V alue Management (EVM) EVM is another popular method of linking project that is being used in the modern management practices. It involves analyzing various projects, portfolios and businesses, it provide management with information tools to handle several projects at ago. In addition, EVM provides insight for future changes in project implementation. In order for management to adequately prepare for the impending uncertainties, EVM provides room for prioritizing some projects while delaying others in order to facility a mutual relationship between them. Graphical Evaluation and Review Technique (GERT) GERT operates in a similar way as the Pert but have some differences because it allow looping, project branching and multiple projects handling. GERT is an improvement on PERT because it elaborates the status of a project whether it is successful or not. Incase a project branch fails to deliver the expected results the management switches attention to other branch.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Benefits of Linking Projects Linking project has become a popular method of handling various projects that are interrelated, through linking such project the management derives many benefits. Firstly, the management improves planning as linkages facilitate projecting the future trends of the projects in terms of time and money requirement. With such a foresight the management plans in advance on how to overcome such challenges by delaying some projects or by increasing labor to meet the stipulated deadline. Pennypacker and Dye (1999) asserts that connecting several interrelated projects provides room for identifying repetitive activities. This helps in streamlining operation since the criteria for handling this project remains similar from one set of activities to the other. Repeated action promotes managers dexterity and confidence in handling similar projects in future thereby improving their efficiency. Integrating projects helps the managers to reschedule activities to display p roject interdependencies and how such relationships stretch the available resources. However, with this challenge in the mind the manager ensures proper prioritization of activities for efficiency utilization of limited resources. With the modern state-of-the- art, linking projects has also provided room for development of software to handles multi-projects in one go. Such development has acted to the best interest of managers whose role has been reduced to monitoring the progress and checking for compliance with the set time limits. Additionally, the management has the challenge of dealing with conflicts between projects and ensuring optimal allocation of resource between such projects. Moreover, the managers have the obligation of allocating resources according to the priorities set for the conflicting projects. Nevertheless, setting priority for activities forming part of the critical path has proved to be cumbersome and as a result, the management should always remain vigilant a t such critical moments (Pennypacker and Dye, 1999). Reference List Pennypacker, S.J. Dye, D. L. (1999). Project Portfolio Management, Selecting and Prioritizing Projects for Competitive Advantage. West Chester: Centre for Business Practices. Webb, A. (2002). Project Management for Successful Product Innovation. Hampshire: Gower Publisher