Thursday, October 31, 2019

History of money Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

History of money - Essay Example The function of money is identifying the value of a standard measurement of goods and services. Money is used as a denominator where one can express the measure of the value of a commodity. Money is also identified as existing through human convections. For this reason, human beings have the power to change the value of money or change it. It is in the nature of money that it is identified as being subject to fluctuations due to value with all other commodities that it may be compared to. Money is, however, more stable when compared to goods. This is because good’s value is related specifically to the individuals that demand the goods. Use of money is a measure of value for establishing the proportional value that could make it possible to equalize all commodities with this standard where it is accepted and makes the community and enables exchange.The nature of money is that all commodities, things, and objects are measurable by money. Exchange of goods and services for money occur when the parties reach a common ground for agreement on exchange basing the agreement on the idea of proportionality. The nature of money allows humans to reach an agreement that serves the needs of their intercourse and interaction although it might not be possible to for different goods to be equal.The nature and condition of transactions are dependent on the good and service that the buying party wants. Since nature requires equality, where unequal individuals receive shares unequally, the significance of money in the act of exchange is demonstrated

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Macbeth English Coursework Essay Example for Free

Macbeth English Coursework Essay 1. The scene opens with Lady Macbeth speaking in soliloquy; as a director I would tell the actress to look agitated, maybe wringing her hands and pacing the stage, quite near the back of the stage so it looks as if she is almost trying to hide. In the first soliloquy she seems less powerful compared to when she is with Macbeth. Lady Macbeth begins to imagine noises that represent bad omens, for example, the owl shriekd. She probably didnt hear that noise but an owl shrieking is a symbol of evil and she knows she is doing wrong. She then begins to go over the plans as if she is reassuring herself of what to do and wondering what is going on and how the plan is doing. Lady Macbeth obviously wasnt that confident because she even says that she needed an alcoholic drink to calm her and make her brave again. Then when Macbeth enters, still in soliloquy, she panics that Macbeth hasnt committed the murder, that they woke up and caught him and she expresses her doubts very obviously as shown in this quotation, I am afraid this shows how she lacks confidence and proves that she wasnt bold. Then when Macbeth and Lady Macbeth begin to talk to each other they are both very nervous and jumpy but slowly Lady Macbeth begins to regain control again and she can then comfort and sooth Macbeth who is very shocked and seems almost hysterical. Then Macbeths concerns worry Lady Macbeth but she still remains in control because she starts to command and order Macbeth around. For example, give me the daggers, get on your nightgown; Lady Macbeth regained her calm and Macbeth has become worried. Lady Macbeth gets worked up because of Macbeths doubting and worrying and she is almost shouting in rage at him when she says infirm of purpose and as a director I would definitely say to be bossy and very angry towards Macbeth. She then begins to insult him which shames him as he is supposed to be a brave warrior when she calls him a child so she has definitely regained her control and is bold at the end of the scene. 2. In lines 16-31 Shakespeare creates lots of tension and anxiety by showing Lady Macbeth who is supposed to be very brave and someone who would rather bash her babys brains out than show cowardice being nervous and jumpy. Lady Macbeth says that she couldnt do it herself and doubts that Macbeth has the willpower to do it as well. Following this there is a very jumpy quick exchange between them in lines 22-30. The punctuation in this section is very short like full stops exclamation marks it is very quick answering, they almost finish off each others sentences. This would make the audience think whether they were going to get away with it? Would they be found out? Could they cover it up? Lie about it? So this creates a lot of anxiety as the audience want to know what is going to happen to them. 3. Macbeth is in a state of shock when he returns from Duncans Chamber. He hears sounds which frighten him so he appears very shocked and upset when he enters the scene. He is concerned that they will be found out and in that era the punishment would have been death for high treason. When he talks to Lady Macbeth they have a very quick and nervous exchange. During this exchange he begins to realise the seriousness of what he has just done and Macbeth then begins to feel guilty. He doesnt seem to be able to focus on one thing at a time but the two dominant things he talks about is that he wont be able to get spiritual forgiveness and he wont be able to sleep. He then starts to talk about two lodgers praying and the fact that when they said Amen he couldnt because he had gone against God and broken the Divine Right of Kings. The Divine Right of Kings is an ancient belief system that was the eldest son of the king or queen would become the next ruler of the country. Macbeth had killed the king and taken his place so broken this spiritual belief. So Macbeth knows that he has disobeyed God and cannot get forgiveness. This is shown in lines 37-44. In these lines a very strong metaphor is used to show just how guilty he feels. The metaphor is: Hangmans hands. This is comparing his hand to those of someone who kills frequently so this means that Macbeths guilt is so strong that it feels as though he has killed more than one person. The second dominant topic is that Macbeth sleep has the power to heal and nurture people who are troubled and weary but he has lost the right to sleep and will never sleep again. Lines 47-52 use a lot of good personification which further shows the guilt that Macbeth is feeling. He refers back to the witches in this extract: Glamis hath murderd sleep, and therefore Cawdor Shall sleep no more; Macbeth shall sleep no more. this suggests that the witches are on his mind and how their prophecies have driven him to treachery. He then begins to question why he is jumpy; why his guilt and regret is so great; why he cant go back in the room or even look at his hands. 4. The scene starts off with Macbeth in control because Lady Macbeth couldnt commit the murder but after Macbeth did he couldnt re-enter the room and face what he had done. Their relationship is very interesting because they have a large reliance on each other. Lady Macbeth needs Macbeth to commit the murder and Macbeth needs Lady Macbeth to drive him and push him so he has courage to commit the crime. Macbeth looses all his control in the relationship after he commits the murder because he is so haunted and shocked by what he has done and he then needs Lady Macbeth to calm him and make him feel at ease. You can find this change between lines 20-79. Lady Macbeth is in complete control at the end because she begins to call Macbeth names to make him feel ashamed of his cowardice and uses very commanding vocabulary to make him hide what they know and she is in some ways scared in case he cant pretend that he doesnt know anything. 5. The main themes of the play are nearly all mentioned in this scene. To me the most significant theme is that this story is about a man who potentially could have been great, powerful and strong but has been corrupted by darkness, witches and greed. Witchcraft is the theme that got them to this stage and is what really drives Macbeth to commit the murder. The witches prophecy drives him to killing anybody who got in his way especially Macduffs family in Act IV Scene 2. Macbeth is constantly referring back to the witches and seems to have complete trust in them. An example showing that they are on his mind is in Act II Scene 2 when he is distraught about the murder in lines 55-57. Lady Macbeth also refers to witchcraft when she hears bad omens like the owls scream so witchcraft and darkness is a main concern and theme of this particular scene. The theme of deception is carried on throughout this scene; at a more physical level than the deception of the witches with their contradicting language. In this scene, Act II Scene 2, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are putting the blame of the murder on the Kings guards and appearing to be unaware of the situation. Bloodshed and guilt is another key issue especially with phrases like Hangmans hands and they very graphic visual image in lines 76-79. This theme is referred to throughout the rest of the play and eventually until Lady Macbeths death. The guilt is so strong that it causes her to take her own life and the guilt rules Macbeth into decisions and causes a lack of sleep which is another key theme. His lack of sleep is because he has ruined his own equilibrium. Macbeth knows that he has disrupted the Divine Right of Kings so therefore upset God. So Macbeth finds that he is unable to pray and has lost the right to sleep which is natures healer which is a theme which continues right from the murder to the end of the play. He becomes mentally disturbed. The final topic in this scene is the power shifting in the relationship between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. They both rely on each other to be strong.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Activist Reflector Theorist And Pragmatist Education Essay

Activist Reflector Theorist And Pragmatist Education Essay First of all, activists learning style engage oneself totally without unfairness in fresh ideals. It makes them passionate concerning everything new. They like to have a go, plenty of variety and try things out and participate. Theorists always like concepts and models. They choose to be perfectionists who will not take it easy until things are well organised. They like to see the overall picture and structure. Moreover, pragmatists are eager on experimenting ideas, skills and theories to see if that will work in practice. They completely look out for new ideas and acquire the first chance toward testing applications. Lastly, reflectors are fond of reserved to deliberate on experiences and examine them from numerous perspectives. They gather information first hand and like to reflect about it carefully prior to conclusion (Honey and Mumford 2006). Furthermore, majority of people have a preference in relating to participating in, taking in and processing report to permit individuals to learn. People take on diverse learning styles where best allows them to learn more excellent way. So far, there has been a huge test with the aim to change a persons learning style. Conversely, students and a lot of professionals note down that, learning achieved from practical experience are far better than in lectures. Making certain that, any student that has a good learning outcome, it is imperative that the learning setting is sensibly and competently helpful to everyone learning within it. Nursing training adds high price on knowledge in the clinical environment; the quality of these clinical setting has a considerable influence on learning process for student nurses (Fritz 2002). Honey and Mumford (2006) added that, though lots of individual had two or more learning styles, they may also have a one preference style. To guarantee myself a good learning experience on placement, it is essential for me as student nurse to be conscious about all preferred learning style, as this is crucial element for nursing program. When I was in placement, I observe my mentor, like to work as an activist and as student nurse, I adept her learning style. Seeing that in placement, the mentor acts as a teacher. It is then required for a student nurse to mature into the progress of their learning needs (Morton-Cooper and Palmer 2000). Having said that, the Honey and Mumford questionnaire scoreà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s me as someone with a high reflector mindset. I consent with the greater part of the report of a reflector, which totally confirms me. For Reflectors, before action is taking, they think about things very cautiously. Due to the style of my learning, I like to listen and observe my colleagues in groups but would not get myself involve with any kind of groupà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s sessions. For me to learn effectively and successfully on this programme, I have some assurance that, if I change some of my ways and practice a style likes an activist, it will help me approach things differently and overcome some of my weakness. Hence, encourage me to get involved in any forms group sessions (Honey and Mumford, 2006). In spite of my weakness, I am a very attentive person, as this is one of the potentials of a reflector. I totally consent along this because I constantly akin to pay attention to each person in the group attentively. The opportunity of gaining from diverse viewpoint and different angles has help with my findings. Nonetheless, a likely weakness that I have found within me as a reflector is that, I take too long in doing certain duties. For instance, all through my previous assignment, I spent lengthy time to finish it, because my preparation stage took me a long time to get ready. I used up a long time in searching for ideas prior to starting my assignment, this may be due to me, being extra careful on how am going to write this assignment. Even though, this brings out my careful mindset, I do not have the same opinion with the report that someone who is reflector does not take risks. I sometimes like to tread out of my ease to experience new things I have never done before to expand my knowledge. For instance, I chose to leave my home and common environment in London to study in Hertfordshire. The more relaxed and secure a student feels inside the surroundings, there is expectation that the learning outcome, become successful (Kenworthy and Nicklin 2000). On the other hand, as a student nurse, it is essential to know that, at present we have diverse learning theories and styles to think about. There has been writing down concerning the means in which people learn and many theories on the ways of effectively learning. The talk was that, Behaviorism, Cognitive and Humanism are the key theories. In terms of Humanistic theory, it is build on faith that individual possess two essential desires, a call for development and a call for good view through others. It also shows as the most holistic approach because it is interested in the way in which it compels and inspires a person to learn. These theories too relay on largely on the pressure of the surroundings that might hold back or assist the learning path. Behaviorism theory, the learning surroundings is essential to knowledge, and if these surroundings are perfect, learning comes, as links are made with encouragement, feedback and support. The Cognitive theory indicate learning like an in ternal procedure that include high order rational actions like remembrance, thoughts, analytic, insight and way of thinking (Reece and Walker 2003). However, as it is vital for me to enhance my learning skill as a reflector. I have planned a number of ways to help me succeed on this programme. As my weaker style is activist, the initial part of my plan is to create opportunities to initiate and to participate and have fun in group discussion in class. These will give me a head up, as to situation that will possibly require action without planning in lectures. It has been noted that discovery of learning strategies in union with person learner preferences is key action in keeping and developing the value of learning programme. The improved potential learning opportunity and result gain from such discovery might have a supportive impact on me as a student nurse (Bastable 2003). Besides, when I become conscious of my preferred learning style and the teaching style of my mentor in practice is different. I work out an action plan to support myself and to go on to succeed in this practice, I have to support my weaker style to get used to classroom environment by accepting my preferred learning style, though I am Reflector learner. Nevertheless, research establishes that, growing variety of tuition means used, have not been connected with an enhancement knowledge result. However, the truth is that, throughout developing studentsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ understanding of their individual learning style, student are enhanced to take charge for their own learning, which improved their learning results (Fritz 2002). Upon reflection, I think learning styles assist me to recognise myself and allow me to identify how to develop myself. With the assessment outcome, I discern and know myself better and have learned from different learning styles. This has thought me why understanding of learning styles is useful to me as a student nurse. Reflection can be use to evaluate, realisation and study through our live experience. Reflective practice is another means you can gain knowledge from experience. In terms of training for healthcare professions, it is identified as a fundamental instrument intended for students to build the relations connecting theory and practice. As a student nurse, it is important for me to realise the worth of reflecting upon my experiences in learning to enhance my prospect studies (Jasper 2003). In conclusion, all the way through this module, I boast of higher comprehension and important consciousness of different learning styles. I have been confident towards my own prefer learning style; hence enable me toward completely support myself in my weaker style. Understanding learning styles has undoubtedly revealed the force that it can have on me as student nurse. I currently believe that, I am more prepared to incorporate my preferred learning styles into practice.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Formal Commentary On One Hundred Years Of Solitude :: essays research papers

Formal Commentary How does Garcia Mà ¡rquez use imagery to create the dramatic situation of Prudencio’s Death?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The image of conflict which Garcia Mà ¡rquez draws, is only a beginning to an endless struggle in the Buendà ­a family. Garcia Mà ¡rquez creates this passage, not only as a Genesis, but as a way to warn the reader of the fate of the Buendà ­a name. After finishing this passage, I was left not with a feeling of closure, but with a feeling of lingering doubt and wonder. Josà © Arcadio Buendà ­a seeks closure himself because of rumors of being impotent. This rumor starts because of the Buendà ­a curse, the pig’s tail. I realized this was only the first of many following conflicts, when Josà © Arcadio Buendà ­a attempts to resolve the situation by killing Prudencio Aguilar. But Prudencio doesn’t die. He lives on, and haunts Josà © Arcadio Buendà ­a until he is forced to leave for Macondo. Garcia Mà ¡rquez creates a Genesis in the novel by the murder of Prudencio Aguilar. This important passage in the beginning of the book brings about its point through excellent uses of diction and word choice. Words like â€Å"tormented† and â€Å"desolation† paint a vivid picture in my mind. The vast majority of adjectives and adverbs lack happiness and overflow with conflict. â€Å"Livid†, â€Å"sad†, â€Å"anxiety†, are only three of these descriptive words, which Garcia Marquez uses to paint this small image in my mind. Anxiety, to me is not only a pain but an endless pain. Suffering which lasts indefinitely. This new indefinite pain brought into the Buendà ­a family by this passage, like anxiety, continues. The dramatic situation in this passage brings about a continual plague of death and conflict.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Compare and Contrast Gibson’s and Gregory’s theories of perception

Gibson’s and Gregory’s theories of perception both suggest that eye-retina is important for perception. The both believe that without eye-retina, a person will not be able to see. This is a common view of both of the theories of perception. The idea is supported by the case of SB. SB was a man who had been blind from birth due to cataracts. When he was 52, he had an operation which restored his sight and hence he could see. Thus, this case has shown the importance of eye-retina for things to be perceived.And therefore, supports both of theories of perception which eye-retina is essential for perception. Gibson believes in the direct theories of perception which he used the theory of bottom-up processing to explain visual illusions whereas Gregory believes in the indirect theories of perception and he used the theory of top-down processing to explain visual illusions. The bottom-up are based on the assumption that we work upwards in our analysis of the visual world form basic sensory inputs at the bottom level towards the higher, more cognitive levels of the brain.The top-down processing theories are based on the assumption that we can only perceive our visual world accurately if we use stored knowledge and problem-solving skills. Thus, there are differences between their theories of perception. Gregory’s indirect theory of perception and Gibson’s direction theory of perception had led to the debate of nature-nurture. This is a big debate in Psychology whether perception is determined by genetics as proposed by Gibson’s theory or whether it is learnt or determined by upbringing and social context as proposed by Gregory’s theory.On the one hand, Nativists think that nature is more important factor which people are the products of their genetics and that we are born with certain behaviours. On the other hand, empiricists think that experience and nurture is the more important factor. They think that situational factors and upbringing have a greater influence on outcome. An eclectic approach might show that it is an interaction between nature and nurture and that neither side can tell the full story. It may be that a genetic predisposition to perception exists, but that situational factors also have to be in place for it to develop.Apart from the above, there are a few more differences between Gibson’s and Gregory’s theories of perception. Gregory believes that additional processing is required for perception which some forms of background knowledge is needed to make sense of the environment than just the sensory input while Gibson believes that perception is part of an inbuilt adaptive mechanism for survival which does not rely on stored knowledge or past experience. Gregory believes that expectations have an impact on perceptions which Gibson disagrees.There is empirical evidence supporting the idea of Gregory, and this comes from a study carried out by Simons and Levin. 50% of the par ticipants failed to realise that there was a switch of people. This is probably due to the fact that the participants had not expected a change of person. Hence, they were unable to perceive it. Furthermore, a study carried out by Selfridge also supports the idea of Gregory. Selfridge’s study demonstrates that our perceptions are mediated by our expectations as people are able to read the figures as ‘’the cat’’.This is because people have the expectations of the cat as they are words in common usage. These studies have shown that people saw what they have been expecting to see. Thus, the study demonstrates that expectations affect perception. And hence suggest that Gregory’s theory of perception might be right instead of Gibson’s. Gregory also suggests that we use context for our perceptions which Gibson disagrees. There are supporting evidences for Gregory’s assumptions. Selfridge’s study has shown context effects on vis ual perception. This study suggests that context aids perception.Similarly, Boring has demonstrated the use of top-down processing as well as the fact that context influences visual perception. These two studies demonstrate that visual perception is influenced by context. In addition, Gregory’s idea is supported by the study carried out by Warren which context influences auditory perception as well. The participants used context to hear the word in the sentence entirely. This shows the importance of context which helps to fill in the missing words. These findings suggested that it may be true that context is necessary for perception to occur successfully.These studies support Gregory’s theory instead of Gibson’s. Furthermore, Gregory’s theory explains how we can make errors in perception. For instance, we do not necessarily see spelling errors in our written work as we word- through-context. Besides, Gregory suggests that we use stored knowledge and past experience to make sense of our visual environment which Gibson does not agree. Moreover, Gregory suggested that some forms of background knowledge, through learning, are needed to make sense of the environment than just the sensory input as suggested by Gibson.Gregory said that, when looking at the Muller-Lyer figure, the line on the left looks longer than that on the right. He believed that this was because we were using top-down processing and assuming that the figure on the left is like the corner of a room that we are in, while the figure on the right is like the corner of a building seen from the outside. Hence, this suggested that we use context for our perceptions. He also pointed to the idea of the hollow mask. When we see a hollow mask from the inside, we perceive it as pointing outwards, because this is what we are used to.However, there are problems with Gregory’s outlook. Firstly, if we take a derivation of the Muller-Lyer illusion and replace the arrows with cir cles, we can see that the effect still holds, even though we could not possibly be imagining the corners of rooms or buildings, etc. Thus, Gregory’s assumption of the theory of perception might be wrong. Furthermore, Gibson argues that information form visual illusions should not be used because it is a fake stimulus that could not happen in the real world which suggested that the theory cannot be applied in real life situation.However, visual illusions do happen in real life such as trains and car wash. Even so, Gibson believes in the direct theory of perception which is an opposing theory to Gregory’s. He believes that we do not need prior knowledge to perceive objects correctly. Gibson suggests that perception is shaped by biological inheritance instead of what Gregory has suggested. According to Warren and Hannon, participants were able to make judgements about direction using dots which support Gibson’s optic flow patterns.And this demonstrates that Gibsonà ¢â‚¬â„¢s theory might be right instead of Gregory’s. However, study carried out by Lee and Lishman has shown that adults have more experiences about the world than children and thus has cast doubt upon Gibson’s theory. Also, a study carried Hahn, Anderson and Saidpour has demonstrated that regardless of which condition the participants were, they could tell direction and movement. And this finding goes against Gibson’s idea of optic flow. Thus, Gibson’s theory might not be right, instead, Gregory’s theory might be more realistic.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The main function of the Best Recipe Kitchens is to manufacture, supply, sell and install kitchens

The main function of the Best Recipe Kitchens is to manufacture, supply, sell and install kitchens. They do this by making kitchens and providing the customers with the right product sizes. Customers * Individual members of the public come and visit any showroom. * Industrial customers from clubs and restaurants do buy kitchens from them. * The also have companies from developing housing associations. Goods Supplied The company supply's many products which they have manufacturing or besides even manufacturing they order the products from different suppliers and supply them to their customers. * Base units * Wall units * Worktops * Plinths * Bins * Vegetable baskets * Towel rails * Cookers * Washing Machines * Dishwashers * Fridges * Freezers * Waste Pipes * Sockets * Cables All the showrooms have three main sections; – 1. Sales 2. Administration 3. Installations. Sales In this department there is a head who is sales manager the makes sure when a sale is confirmed the member of the staff who handled the sale at the time gets' commission. In their usual salary. * The sales department also hands marketing which has it's own head but still under sales manager. * The marketing Director is responsible for advertising and promoting Best Recipe Kitchens for steady income and to increase sales. * In the sales department the sales staffs that take their time and plan a kitchen on the computer software will make the sales. Administration There is a head of the section is a supervisor. * This department is responsible for all the ICT tasks and administration staff as well. * The department of administration is responsible for sending faxes and ordering goods. * They also send letters to the customers. * Some of the staff check invoices and payments. * They also do a bit of accounts work such as calculations and Humans Resources work. * They put up software's. They also print out the work. But there are varity of printer connected to the network e.g. laser and inkjet. Installation * Installation manger hires people to install kitchens to their customers. * When an order is confirmed the installation manager sends the order so the schedule can be arranged for the contractors as well as the engineer. * At the end of the small process the manager has to produce a whole report at the end of each week. Suppliers There are various suppliers but mainly are related to the warehouse. The warehouse orders goods if they don't manufacture a product in their factories. The suppliers also supply electrical and gas appliance. However The Production manager with warehouse has a very close contact with other suppliers. The warehouse manger is responsible for ordering kitchen fittings, plumbing and electrical goods. But the Production manager only confirms the (missing items) orders by fax. This is a structural diagram for Head office: – Structural diagram for a showroom: – Task 2 Handing The information that is required is who will be buying the kitchen. Where the kitchens are going to come from or to be delivered. What components are needed? How the payment is going to make and how long will it take. So a client will be buying kitchens of their choice. This information is collected and sent to the warehouse where they find the product manually if some merchandise is not manufactured by the company they will purchase them from other companies. The warehouse manager will also be making a contact to the installation manager who signs the contractor and sends the appointment by post, a person will go to take measurement of the kitchen. He will report back to ensure the products have the right measurements. The client pays the payment of 25% to a sales person after the measurements are taken and every thing is cleared a kitchen will be installed. The sales section will collect customer's address and their name also a contact number on a computer in the showroom. And he sends an order form at home. The information is obtained from the order forms, which are given to the customers by post and returned when completed by a completion date. When the information is collected a clerk (from the forms) will input to a computer and this is given to the administration department, which looks at the data and check the order on a hard copy manually. The important details are the order, the addresses and the conformation with the client. The process how an order is placed and how the company keeps in their standards is the order form is returned and the data is inputted in a computer and printed a hard company, which goes to the warehouse where a person manually searches to a product. The warehouse manager faxes the information to the production manager who confirms the order and sends it back to the warehouse manager by fax. The warehouse manager then contacts the suppliers by post. Finally the warehouse manager informs the installation manager who places the order to the clerk who purchases the order for any other appliances required and post them to the appropriate manufacturers. There orders include the customers name and addresses so the goods will be delivered to the customer's house or place. The clerk also sends a conformation letter to the client for installation data also the receipt of the deposit. Also the price of 50% must be paid before all installation is completed. Computers make all the calculations from the purchase receipts and the order forms. All The calculations are made on a computer by the Accounts Department who collects the data on a computer and sends the invoices to the relevant departments or to the relevant people. There are various outputs to the ordering process, which are issued. For example a printed copy is sent by post to the warehouse manager. The warehouse manager sends a fax to the production manager who sends the result back. The warehouse manager sends another letter to the suppliers. Then the warehouse manager sends a letter to the installation manager to confirm the appointment and the whole file is handed to the clerk. This is a Data Flow Diagram of how the customer buys a kitchen from a showroom and companies process to get the order through. This data flow diagram shows when an order is conformed this is how it is processed. Task 3 ICT system used in Head office is linked in a LAN with a single server. Each department has at least one workstation. All workstations are linked with a fast laser printer. The department does have inkjet printer for any one off or confidencail documents. All information is stored in the server and the software's are stored on the same server. The Accounts Department keeps the records of all financial transaction on the servers. The Human Recourses department has to keep the records of its entire staff personal details such as: – * Personal detail (name, address, DOB, emergency contact) * Job (which sector) * Salary or hourly rate * Commission earned * Normal hours * Availability * Hours worked * Medical plans The system in a showroom is not very complex. The system contains various software and is linked with a modem. Three machines with in each showroom are linked with a LAN. The system has word-processing and other general office software's. This system was for a Administration at the back but with out where customers are in the showroom, there are two computers which are stand alone and contain kitchen designed software's. The computers have a TFT screen. The system that is available is fine but needs a lot more work done on it. We can improve the system by allowing the computer that are in the showroom and are designed to make example kitchen design, for those to each linked to a LAN. This will ensure that if a system is down the records are safe. Also a rough plan or designing can be given to the installation department to see now a customer wants his kitchen. If there is any error occurs they can make the adjustments before hand. This will also benefit as the laser colour printers are used only one will be required. With these two computer load up a data base where the customers personal detail can be captured instead of the customer going to the processing clerk. As from the help of LAN the Administration department can capture the data. As the administration has a modem they can send this data to other department such as Accounts of the warehouse. This will save the company a lot of as well as time. as an other disadvantage of a stand alone system is that every thing has to be printed and this will save money for the company. But these computer allocated in the public might have danger of some one unauthorised person using the data and going on to confidential files, so a password will be given and users accounts can be made. EDI From the new technology the Best Recipe Kitchens is far behind to a modern technology such as an EDI (Electronic Data Interchange), which allows the company to do the dealing such as ordering. It is a speedy way of ordering and bookings. The company can make a lot of money by fast systems. No matter what account the invoices can be transferred quickly and instead of passing they can just transfer the data with a click of a button. In a company if the stock goes low it can alert you or even order new stock. It can handle companies' transaction with in there own budgets. This system is really accurate and can eliminate errors. MIS MIS (manager information system) can help managers to do their work more quickly and more efficiently. With this the information comes as a report to the managers. With this if the Best Recipe Kitchens has it the managers can work twice as fast in a way the production manager works like MIS. The production manager requires one or two more people then ha can work much faster. The installation manager can work by himself, as he has to hire contractors. But if we see with MIS he can work much faster with being more accurate. This can also allow the managers to work together as everything is supplied before as reports are made for the mangers so they can decide. This can help accounts manger as well as he can see how much is coming and going. As sales can be analysed in monthly graphs and all the departments can use graphs as well. As warning audio, video can warn if anything goes to a limit. They can even use what if queries to resolve any query to see the out come and if it comes low or to an inappropriate inquest, then they can find an alternative. As all managers can see each other's work and their report and suggest improvement or to even come to a decision. They can create a graph on sale and make a report. This can promote some people in some sectors. This will make the work in the company more efficient.