Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Ellen Olenska as a Mythological Muse in The Age of Innocence

Ellen Olenska as a Mythological Muse in The Age of Innocence nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Long ago in ancient Greece, mythology was used to explain our world, our lives, and most importantly, our interpersonal relationships. Still today Greek mythology is infused into the literature of almost every influential and lasting author, one of the more effective authors being Edith Wharton, author of The Age of Innocence. The relationship between Newland Archer and Madame Ellen Olenska, two protagonists in Wharton’s novel, is an example of the classic relationship between a muse and an inspired man. Wharton was obviously well learned in the art of mythology as seen in her stories, The Lamp of Psyche and The Muse’s Tragedy, and used this†¦show more content†¦Tracy Marks explains that muses from Greek mythology are typically represented as young women with red lips, blue eyes, and a melodious voice, who usually wore long flowing robes and a reflective or smiling expression. Already Wharton’s vivid picture painted with words co mes to mind, but Marks continues on to describe a Muse as â€Å"far from virgin goddesses, rather one who induces sensuality† (Marks 36). Archer parallels this perception as he views Ellen as one â€Å"who does not seal the mind against imagination, nor the heart against experience† (Nevius 186) and who â€Å"entreats a little wildness, a dark place or two in the soul† (Mansfield 316). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Whether it was Ellen’s disposition or her aura, which first enticed Archer, it was her affect on him which led her to become a legend in the mind of both this fictional character, Newland Archer, and the audience of this novel. What sparks the interest of a muse is the possibility of greatness, an ability to live in a world larger than what now exists, and who will use the knowledge and inspiration she gives (Marks 34), Newland was a perfect example of this. Ellen describes the reason for confiding in Archer more perfectly here: â€Å"The very good people didn’t convince me; I felt they’d never been tempted. But you knew; you understood; you had felt the world tugging at one with all its golden hands – and yet you hated the things it asked of one; you hated happiness brought by disloyalty and cruelty and

Monday, December 23, 2019

The Negligence Of The Villain - 1374 Words

Just as it is mandatory to have a hero, a fairy tale without a villain will create an ineffective plot. The negligence of the villain’s role/importance demonstrates our society’s ethics. The judgemental views of society, creates an impression that good will always emerge as the victors. This is caused by the fact that individuals within society has a different criteria of deciding what is â€Å"good† and what is â€Å"evil†. As a result their minds are structured through pure bias. The so called â€Å"heroes† or â€Å"villains† are all just dependent on an individual’s ideal self. The influence of the real world, through history or the present, help individuals create a dividing line between the principles of good vs evil. This is evident through the misinterpretation of villains. Individuals only see villains as vile individuals endeavoring towards an egocentric goal, created by their malicious personality. The treatment of this chara cter is prejudice, as their stories are completely overshadowed by the hero’s beaming stature. If there isn’t any background information for the villains, how does the audience understand the meanings behind their motives and intentions? Villains are more than just an obstacle created for the plot, they’re the necessary ingredient for a successful story. The audience has to realize that villains have many similar attributes to heroes that can benefit the outcome of the story. Villains have the potential to revolutionize the next generation of fairy tales. ByShow MoreRelated The Gothic Novel Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Essay examples1403 Words   |  6 Pagesthe idea for the story after a dream he had. The word ‘Goth’ is originally from a German tribe and has come to mean ‘barbarian’ and later know as ‘Gothic’. In Gothic Literature certain features are expected. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar Free Essays

Dr Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar A Social Reformer Introduction â€Å"OURS IS A BATTLE FOR FREEDOM, OURS IS A BATTLE NOT JUST FOR ECONOMIC GAINS AND POLITICAL POWER, OURS IS A BATTLE FOR RECLAMATION OF HUMAN PERSONALITY WHICH HAS BEEN SUPPRESED AND MUTILATED BY THE HINDU SOCIAL ORDER AND CONTINUED TO BE SUPPRESED AND MUTILATED† These lines itself indicates that the speaker of these lines is a reformer, democratic leader and great orator. There have been a number of great people in the world who have dedicated themselves to struggle of emancifipation, uplift of the powerless victims of system in their countries. Above lines are spoken by such a person who is a champion of human rights none other than Dr. We will write a custom essay sample on Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar or any similar topic only for you Order Now B. R Ambedkar. He was a multi – dimensional personality. He was a great thinker, philosopher, true revolutionist, profolic writer and at the top a devoted reformer. Antonio Gramsci, a German philosopher hailed him as an â€Å"organic intellectual† his magnifier of 1940s. An Advocate Of Reform A reformer is one who wants a non violent revolution for a change in society, same was our Babasaheb. Not only for India he fought for the world, he fought for humanity. Numerous authors, Indians as well as foreigner have described his contribution to the economic development and emancipation of Indian masses in different ways. One such author said – â€Å"Dr . B. R Ambedkar was a intellectual, a educationist, a thinker and advocate of humanism† Ambedkar as A Writer Even Ambedkar himself was a great and renowned writer. He wrote many books mostly on caste system. He wrote book â€Å"The Buddha and His Dhamma† which was published posthumously. He completed his final manuscript â€Å"The Buddha or Karl Marx† on December 2, 1956. His Donation for Future Students He was fond of reading books too. His library was one such proof that he donated to a college which is founded by him for students of Depressed Classes. Even today his books are becoming a reason behind the triumphs of students. Knowing the great value and importance of education in 1924, he founded an association called Bahiskrit Hitakarni Sabha. The main objectives of Sabha were; to promote and expand education among the depressed classes by opening hostels. These hostels proved a boon for low caste students. Voice of Downtrodden According to him for a successful revolution it is not enough that there is discontent, what is required is profound and thorough conviction of justice. He even proved this in a very systematic way. Ambedkar efforts to eradicate the social evils like untouchablility and caste restrictions were remarkable. The leader, throughout his life fought for his rights of Dalits and other socially backward classes with his sword of a peaceful agitation. One may love it or hate it but one has to accept and acknowledge the fact that Amberkarism has been a movement of assertion of downtrodden in the history of India in recent times. B. R Ambedkar has been a voice of downtrodden of our country and for their cause he has dedicated his whole life and worked. Dalits have placed Ambedkar at the top of the world and he is no more than god for them. He wrote extensively on the problems of caste, Muslims, minorities and women in India. He richly contributed towards construction of democratic independence. Ideas That Were Experience The operation of caste , his views on women’s oppression, his reinterpretation of the role of monk prove him to a social reformer that warrant a close examination of his biography and his lion’s share to set a perfect platform for world ‘s biggest democracy country . His observation, attachment to the lower classes or any kind of incidents was not the reason behind his dalit movement. The reason was his own experience as a dalit. He was born in a Mahar family which is considered as untouchable caste. He spent his whole life fighting against system of untouchablility and caste system. What He Was? Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar was born on 14 April 1891at Mhow a small town in princely state of Indore. He was the 14th child of father Ramji Sakpal and mother Bhimabai At a very tender age, he had to face humiliation and disgrace at the hands of upper caste Hindus when he started education in primary school. He was made to sit outside the classroom so that his presence did not pollute other students. Even if they needed to drink water, they (untouchables) were not allowed to touch the water or the vessel that was for high caste Hindus. This task was usually performed for the young Ambedkar by school peon and if the peon was not available then he had to go without water Ambedkar status this situation as â€Å"No Peon No Water†. But at last overcoming numerous social and financial obstacles, Ambedkar became one of first Dalits to obtain a college education in India. Ambedkar was a very disciplined, sincere and intelligent student of the school; affected by his sincerity and punctuality his teacher Mahadev Ambedkar changed his sir name from Ambavadekar to Ambedkar. That was the memorable day of all for the young Ambedkar. He knew that for every great step or we must say for accomplishment of every work Education plays the lead role. A Change Was Needed When he was at Sydenham College, Bombay in 1918. He found a Marathi newspaper â€Å"Mook Nayak† (Leader of Dump) to champion the cause of the untouchable. When he came back to India from London in 1923, he knew that nothing had change. His qualifications meant for nothing as far as the practice of untouchablility is concern – it was still an obstacle to his career. In 1927 Babasaheb presided over a conference at Mahad in Kolapa District . There he said: It is time we rooted out of our minds the ideas of high and low, we can attain elevation only if we learn self –help and regain our self respect. Because of his experience of the humiliation and justice would not be granted by others. Those who suffer injustice must secure justice for themselves. A Peaceful War The peaceful agitation led by Dr. Ambedkar suffered through many attacks of high caste Hindus but throughout his last breath, agitation worked for the rights of untouchables. At last the result was good as the Bombay Legislature had already passed a Bill allowing everyone to use public water tanks and well, but this was just a step, He want a religion that teaches liberty, equality and fraternity . He knew that Indian society especially Hindus is still a tribal society stooped in orthodoxy and superstitions, divided in thousands of casts and sub caste and it need a reform, a revolution. Caste and Morality According to Mr. Ambedkar, caste destroyed the concept of ethics and morality. The effect of cast on ethics of the Hindus is simply deplorable. Cast has destroyed the sense of public charity. A Hindu‘s public is caste. His responsibility is to his caste. His loyalty is restricted only to his caste. Virtue has became caste bound. Independence comes with Babasaheb In 1930 a Round Table Conference was held by the British Government to decide the future of India. Babasaheb represented the untouchable, He said – â€Å"The Depressed classes of India also join in demand for replacing the British government by a government of the people and by the people. Ours wrong have not been righted all through 150 years of British rule rolled away. What good is such a government to anybody? These lines show that he was very much hopeful that the independence will be from both The Britishers and the Orthodox ideas and misbelieves. In the second conference, he demanded a separate electorate for depressed classes. He strongly believes that in Hinduism conscience, reason and independent thinking have no scope for development. British government agreed but Mahatma Gandhi saw it as a division between Harijan and Hindus, Gandhi ji felt that these small divisions will be a barrier in independence of a united India. At last this debate between Mahatma Gandhi and Ambedkar ends with a pact called Poona Pact. According which certain number of seats were reserved for especially for backward and depressed classes. Framing Future Dr Ambedkar‘s legacy as a socio- political reformer, had a deep affect on modern India. His reputation as a scholar led to his appointment as free India’s Law minister and Chairman of the drafting committee of constitution. I think he was the right one who had all the qualification needed to draft constitution . Our Father of Constitution not only have the experience of lower class people(as per Hindu community) and the high classes of not only India but foreign too , he very well knows about their demands and needs. These experiences he used to make all of us stand equal and liberal. He was called as a modern Manu who gave India a new and democratic regime, paying tribute to Dr Ambedkar for his tireless efforts in the constitutions another fellow Maharastrian said â€Å"I call this constitution the Mahar law because Dr. Ambedkar is a Mahar and now†¦we shall have the law of Manu replaced by the law of Mahar and I hope that unlike the law of Manu under which there were was never a prosperity in country, the Mahar law will make India virtually paradise† Dhamma Is Eternal He is also credited for having sparkled the Dalit Buddhist movement . On October 14, 1956 Dr. Ambedkar organized a public ceremony to convert around five lakh of his supporters into Buddhism . Dr. Ambedkar travelled to Kathmandu to attend the 4th World Buddhist conference . He quote that the teachings of Buddha are eternal but even then Buddha did not proclaim them to be infallible . The religion of Buddha has capacity to change according to time, a quality which no other religion can claim to have. The Last Breath â€Å"I WILL NOT DIE AS A HINDU† He completed his vow by dying as a Buddhist. Since 1954-55 Dr. Ambedkar was suffering from serious health problems including diabetes and week eye sight. On December 6, 1956 he died at his home in Delhi. A Buddhist style cremation was organized for him. The ceremony was attended by hundreds and thousands of supporters, activists and admires. After the death The day of 14th April is best remembered for the birth anniversary of this great reformer as Ambedkar Jayanti and it is a public holiday. Various Dalit organizations carry out huge processions on this day in the memory of the great soul. On this day various organizations organize several activities including rally and cultural programs. â€Å"We Are Indians Firstly And Lastly† This well said by Babasaheb should be the disciple of all the citizens of India. As I earlier mentioned that the Ambedkar Jayanti is celebrated on 14th April every year. This year our Baba sahib completed his 122 years as a reformer. Yes! Your doubt is right 122 years how? He died 56 years ago. My answer may not be satisfying for you but it is right according to me. So, I want to say that he was alive, alive as his ideas, his contribution. We are developing but our views are same. Those rotten social rules are same. So it means that the all liberty, freedom we have, is useless for us? The hard work of this reformer is wasted, No, the way of ours to use these is not right or at first we should analyze that how we are using these. â€Å"What are we having this liberty for? We are having this liberty in order to reform our social system, which is full of inequality, corruption and other things which conflict with our fundamental rights† By- Aparajita Srivastava Kendriya vidyalaya How to cite Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Cost and Financial Management Accounting

Question: Discuss about the Cost and Financial Management Accounting. Answer: Introduction The Flexible Budget Variances reveals the variances in direct materials, direct labor and variable and manufacturing overheads. Apart from this, the price variance and efficiency variances are also worked out (Horngren, 2011) The variances in acrylic pile fabric, acrylic eyes, plastic joints and polyester fiber filling can be understood from the production process. The cutting of fabric according to the different requirements of size and shapes generates fabric waste and increases the production time. The fastness of the color of the fabric is also tested which leads to the returning of the off-color fabric. With reference to acrylic eyes, the optical grade eyes are attached to the plastic rivets in such a way that they do not fall our or give a stand out variance. Though dark brown color eyes are purchased from vendors, the shades of the eyes may differ from vendor to vendor and defective eyes have to be replaced thus leading to variances from the standard budgets? The polyester fillings are then done by the machines is the separate parts are attached together. But if these parts are not fitted properly then it has to be removed and replaced (Don et. al, 2006). Direct Labor variances arise due to the fact that the machines might sometimes require maintenance and there are possibilities of rework to be done during the production thus increasing the actual labor hours and generating variances (Don et. al, 2006). Variable selling expenses includes the advertisement and sales promotion expenses. There are retail and wholesale selling outlets and also catalogue sales . Since the retail selling outlets have proved to be unprofitable, the estimated selling expenses have also increased. Manufacturing selling and administrative expenses variances are caused as a result of a number of factors. As there are accounting problems and also problems in meeting the demand supply gap, the costs associated with the smooth production and distribution outflow is bound to increase and thus lead to variances (Vanderbeck, 2013). New Incentive Compensation Plan Advantages The New Compensation plan is intended to promote teamwork and participation and the performance is measured against the companys master budget and standard cost system that rewards managers fairly for their individual contributions. The percentage of bonus is fixed for different levels of managers which act to boost their confidence and achieve the desired results. Disadvantages The bonus for the purchasing manager is dependent upon the net materials price variance, which could also be zero if the variance is unfavorable and the same is the case with the production manager whose bonus is dependent upon the net of several variances. Role of Budget in Performance Evaluation Budgets help in the planning of the future expenses and reviewing the historical spending pattern also helps the company in making decisions about the requirements of external financing. These budgets also help in tracking the spending variances and the excessive variances also require the owners to review the standard costing and budgeting process to ensure a more accurate forecast of the financial needs (Maher, 2005). Recommendation to the Incentive Plan The Incentive Plan has focused on the Management Incentives. It is essential that the managers focus on long term wealth creation for shareholders and so Employee Stock Option Programs and Schemes offered to managers helps them think from within the shoes of a shareholder (Drury, 2011). Hence incentive plans are not just targeting the monetary wealth of the managers but also improve performance by promoting ethical behavior and serves in the best interests of the organization. Apart from this, there can also be lump sum bonuses designed for the salesperson which are periodic and released upon the completion of a specific sales quota. This is a kind of forced incentive to help the salespersons achieve sales which they might have otherwise not reached. Thus there should be an optimal mix of the various incentive plans after weighing the advantages and disadvantages of each plan. Balanced Scorecard The Balanced Scorecard is an optimal combination of the financial and non-financial factors that guide the company performance. The vision and mission of the company has to be translated and viewed from four different perspectives namely financial, customer, internal processes, growth and innovation. The core competencies and employee commitment, market share and alignment are a few other factors considered while formulating the balanced scorecard. The various factors to be considered under each of these perspectives are discussed hereunder: Financial Perspective The objective should be profit animation and increasing returns to shareholders. These numbers are measured by the results on the financial statements and the quarterly results announced by the company. The initiatives to be taken to achieve the same could be strategies for cost reduction, exploring new markets and increasing the customer base eventually leading to higher profits. Customer Perspective The objective here is to improve the market image of the company. A company is not just known by the results and the profits it delivers but also by the strength of the management in dealing with crisis situations. The ethical standards followed by the company and compliance with regulations increases its reputation and makes it branded as a good company (Quast, 2011). The targets in this area can be to ensure fair business dealings that help the company stay away from litigations and such other issues. The success of the same is measured by the increasing market share of the company and the customer feedback and rankings achieved by the company. Internal Business Perspective As this is a hard core manufacturing oriented business, efforts should be taken to reduce the abnormal waste generated during the productions and set up processes to control and help in smooth functioning (Quast, 2011). As consumer demands are ever changing, the processes should be able to cater to these requirements. The targets and initiatives to be taken in this area are to be updated with the technological advancements and employ it to the fullest to ensure that the company achieves the desired outcomes (Lanen et. al, 2008). Conclusion As there is continuous production and demand there has to be continuous updating of the systems and processes also to be in tune with the changes. Thus a company should focus on attending such meetings, conferences where such changes in the industry are discussed and then take steps for the implementation of the same to provide the best to the consumer always. References Don R. Hansen Maryanne M. M. (2006). Cost Management Accounting Control. Ohio: Thomas South-Western Drury, C. (2011). Cost and management accounting. Andover, Hampshire, UK: South-Western Cengage Learning. Horngren, C. (2011). Cost accounting. Frenchs Forest, N.S.W.: Pearson Australia. Lanen, W. N., Anderson, S Maher, M. W. (2008). Fundamentals of cost accounting. NY: Hang Loose press. Maher, L. (2005). Fundamentals of Cost Accounting, Maher. McGraw-Hill Quast, L. (2011). Creating Incentive Plans That Actually Incent Employees, retrieved September 28, 2016 from https://www.forbes.com/sites/lisaquast/2011/09/19/creating-incentive-plans-that-actually-incent-employees/#2bc7d274486a Vanderbeck, E J. (2013). Principles of Cost Accounting. Oxford university press