Saturday, February 15, 2020

Health Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Health Management - Essay Example In relation with this, it has been noticed that several organisations including the health care organisations have introduced leadership training facilities which intend to develop leadership qualities among the consulting psychiatrists. However, as per the statement presented by Raelin (2003), â€Å"Most leadership training that is being conducted off?site is ill?advised because the intent of most of this training is to put leadership into people, such that they can transform themselves and their organisations on their return†. Based on this statement, it can be argued that most of the programmes of leadership training that are being conducted by the corporate off-sites, such as in the healthcare divisions are considered to be ill-advised (Raelin, 2003). The objective of this paper is to critically evaluate the effectiveness of the off-site leadership programmes that are conducted by the organisations, especially those related with healthcare service rendering activities such as that of consulting psychiatrists. In this regards, the discussion henceforth will intend to examine the aforementioned statement connoted by Raelin (2003) considering the point of view of a psychiatrist. A Broad View to Leadership Training Programmes Leadership training requirements were initially noticed by corporate entities and therefore a significant degree of impression can be identified in the approaches which apparently exhibit the interests of such concerns. The corporate business organisations have been noticed to expend billions of dollars per annum on the training programmes conducted to enhance leadership skills amid professionals. However, with the passing time, leadership approaches conducted by these business entities became to be extensively indulged with human psychology and human responses. Rather than the sole motive to direct or rather instruct the subordinates, the role of leaders extended to identify the rudiments of a particular individual’s psychol ogical framework and thereby motivate the individuals toward the attainment of a particular objective (Durose, 2011). From a consultant psychiatrist’s point of view, it becomes apparent that the philosophy of leadership training, in the modern day context, essentially deals with building up human relations focusing more over intrinsic motivation rather than suppressing the subordinates with external instructions (Royal College of Psychiatrists, 2012). However, with such broad perspective, it is quite likely that the implementations of leadership training programmes, concerning the enhancement of individual leadership skills can emerge to be a challenging task. As from the consultant psychologist’s point view, it is indeed a tough task to identify the psychological order of an individual’s thinking and likewise, maximise their potentialities to develop as leaders along with expanding the capacity of those individuals to serve the community at large (Alimo-Metcalf e, 2010). This particular aspect can be directly related with the argument made by Raelin (2003) that leadership

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Cathay Pacific Airlines Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Cathay Pacific Airlines - Essay Example It is with regards to this fact that the research has endeavored to conduct a thorough analysis of the STP strategies that have been adopted by Cathay Pacific Airlines till date. This allowed the researcher to analyze the effectiveness of these strategies as far as adding customer value is concerned. This analysis has been grounded on the basis of situation evaluation that enabled the researcher to explain the environment (both macro and micro) in which Cathay Pacific has been operating. By doing so, the researcher was able to justify the strategies adopted by the airline in accordance with the macro as well as microenvironment within which the company operates. The nature of this research is purely qualitative in nature where the researcher has attempted to analyze secondary information that is available over different scholarly journals, online databases and other websites relevant to the company of choice. The conclusions and recommendations pertaining to the research have been st ated accordingly. It is a widely known fact that the world of business is an ever-changing environment. In such an intensely competitive environment, a leading business sometimes fails to maintain its position as the market leader as a result of inappropriateness in terms of adapting to the dynamic world (G. T. Haley, U. C. Haley, and Tan, 2012; Markus and Loebbecke, 2013). There are certain exceptions where companies adopt prudent strategies that provide them with the necessary ammunition to stay ahead in the race. One such company is the Hong Kong-based airline and cargo carrier, Cathay Pacific. The company has long been known to adopt and implement proper strategies which have helped the organizational managers to compete with the likes of airline giants such as Air China, Singapore Airlines, Dragon Air, Emirates and Lufthansa (CAPA Centre for Aviation, 2014). World leaders and academic scholars have been noted praising the market strategies in particular adopted by the company that has enhanced it s competency in this fiercely competitive industry.